Day 8

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"Vanessa~!" A voice sang, and then the running feet of my brother was heard. Stephen pounced on top of my bed, looking over at me with a carefree smile. At the moment, I was sitting on my bags that held my clothing. After Charles' disappearance last night, he never returned. While is words and comments about Sebastian and I irked me, him not returning just made me more mad. My butler was not on my good list. Then again, he was never 'my' butler...he was Stephen's.

"We're having a talk when we get home later today." I said, crossing my arms and resting them on my drawn up knees. It made me feel bad to see the smile on Stephen's face drop, and it didn't help when he looked away. "You should be with Ciel, I doubt we're going to see them-er, him anytime soon again." I added, trying to ignore the mistake I made. Maybe this was becoming unhealthy.

"And you with Sebastian, hm?" Stephen's little grin came back onto his face, and I tried to pounce on him. But the kid was fast. I was chasing him down the hall, and we were flying down the steps in the main hall. My mother always tells me never to run in my heels, I never had an experience to want me to listen to her. Until now, of course. My foot slipped, and my face was going to be newly acquainted with a few stairs. But arms caught me instead. My hands gripped their black jacket tightly, and a small gasp still came from my throat. A hand wrapped around me just below my shoulders, and another held the back of my head and held it against their chest.

"You alright Miss Vanessa?" Hearing their voice, I pushed them away from me.

"Should have just let me fall." I hissed, glaring at them as I moved down the stairs. Charles looked at me like a wounded puppy, and I did my best to ignore that as I continued walking. Stephen was looking at me oddly, it was a rare occasion when I was angry with our butler. "I would have liked it better if Sebastian-oof!~" I ran into someone, and I looked up to see Sebastian. A small smirk overcame my face, and I added quietly for only him to hear. "I was just lying, you can go away now."

"Shall I call you a liar once more?" His brow was raised, and his tone playful. I laughed, and moved around him to go outside. Our carriage was being prepared, we only had a few minutes left in our visit. Mey-Rin, Bardroy, and Finnian were all at the door waiting to say goodbye. Mey-Rin was rather cold with me I found, and I had my guesses as to why. Ciel suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, and looked rather emotionless as my brother and I were nearly out the door. Stephen ran up to him, and threw his arms around him in a hug. I think that caught Ciel off guard, and he looked a little annoyed with the sign of affection my brother was giving. Rolling my eyes, I too made my way over there. I bent slightly and placed a kiss on top of Ciel's head, and ruffled his hair afterwards.

I was walking behind my brother and his childhood friend, nearly out the door. Charles was behind me, followed by Sebastian. Just before I was out the door, I stopped and turned. Charles continued walking by me, Sebastian stopped out of curiosity. I cupped my hands around my mouth, and took in a breath.

"Good-bye Mr. Tanaka!" I yelled, and a faint 'ho-ho-ho' was heard a few short seconds later. With a grin of satisfaction, I looked to Sebastian. He was merely smiling at me. There was nothing exchanged between us, and I made my way outside. I would have been lying if I said I didn't think something was going to happen, but nothing did.

"Farewell Ciel. I thank you with all my heart, my friend. Enjoy your gift~" I said, and Ciel's grip tightened on his new cane that Stephen and Charles had bought a few days back. Stephen was already in the carriage, having said his goodbyes. Glancing around I noticed another carriage coming down the path, and I sighed. "Well, see you all later. Goodbye Sebastian."

"Until next time, Miss Vanessa."

The carriage pulled up behind us, and a rather clumsy man in glasses helped a woman dressed in red out. I waved to madam Red, and went into my carriage. We pulled away, and I sighed. Looking to Stephen, I noticed the sadness at leaving. I pulled him closer, and gave him a one armed hug.

"Don't worry, Stephen. We'll see them again." Stephen said nothing, but cuddled closer to me. It didn't take him long for him to fall asleep, my gaze then caught something on his neck. Usually his collars were up, so I wouldn't have noticed this before. Using my free hand, I pulled the collar down a little more. It revealed the demonic symbol, blue in colour. I had wanted to refuse the fact that my little brother had made a contract ever since Sebastian confirmed the fact that Charles was a demon. I opened my mouth to say something, but only air came out.

"Something wrong?"

I looked to Charles, my face holding no emotion. "I hate you Charles." My tone was flat, and Charles moved his gaze to the window right away. "Don't look so wounded, it's not like demons actually have real emotions." I spat, anger finally flooding through and toying with the tone of my voice. His eyes flashed to me, glowing red for a split second. Fear flashed through me for a moment, and I cast my eyes downward. "Sorry..." It was a mumble, but it was the last thing said in that carriage for the rest of the ride home.

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