Reunited at a party

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The morning paper was tossed in my lap, quite angrily I might add, by my mother.

"Woah woah woah, tea in the hands my dear woman!" I said, lifting the cup and plate in the air so it didn't spill. My mother's blue eyes flashed at me, and I grimaced. A note was in her hands now, her eyes scanning it. Taking her distracted moment, I looked down to the paper. All it took was for me to read the title, and I knew why my mother was so angry.

"Another Ripper killing?" I mumbled, setting the tea aside and grabbing the paper in my hands. There wasn't much detail, they were always so gruesome though. And I couldn't understand how people flocked to the murder sights the day after the information was released. Stomach-churning sights I'm told.

"Mhm...your father seems to be having some difficulties with the Trancy family. He may have to stay a few extra days." My mother said, then shook her head as he moved through other letters in her hand. "There seems to be a pattern lately, with children becoming the head of their houses. Seems Alois was pushed into that situation, and he's holding quite the grip on his power." My eyes rolled as she began on her small rant.

"Ciel does rather well." I pointed out, my eyes still scanning the paper. "Wait, who's Alois?"

"Ciel is responsible. But look how cold he is now, he was robbed of a childhood. And Alois is the head of the Trancy household." My mother moved to sit across from me, passing me a small envelop in the process. "You have an invitation it seems for tonight~" I groaned, I knew where this conversation was heading.

"Lovely." I tore it open, my eyes immediately going to the host. I groaned again. "No. That man disturbs me, there's something not right about him." My mother waved my words off, and grabbed her latest sewing project.

"Nonsense. Don't say such things about Count Druitt. Besides, you need to find yourself a suitor." Here it comes...I crossed one leg over the other, and pretended to listen intently on her words. "You are seventeen, it's about time you find yourself a husband."

"I sincerely hope you are not speaking of the Count." I shot back, my tone flat but irritation was in my eyes.

"Why not? He's rich, well known-"

"Why not?! That man, swine rather, only cares about having someone to warm his bed. Never the same person twice. If it has a pulse and is good looking, it's all fair game to him. Oh, and it needs a pair of legs." It was rather bold to speak to my mother in such a manner, but this wasn't the first time we argued about this blond haired Count. Sensing my mother's pulse rising, I gingerly stood from my chair and tried to get out of the room. I wasn't fast enough.

"Vanessa Kingsly! You are going to the party and that's final!"

~Party time~

My hand gripped Charles' as he helped me out of the carriage. I eyed him sharply as he chuckled at my obvious distress at being here. I had insisted that he joined me for the evening, refusing to go alone. My mother had allowed me to bring Charles, barely. However I was to refer to Charles as my personal servant, instead of butler for the evening.

"I'm delighted you find it so funny." I muttered darkly, lifting my lavender dress slightly so I could walk without tripping. The room was filled with people, some dancing, others trying to dance. Some drinking, and others falling over. The Count really outdid himself this time. My eyes were scanning the crowd, and I nearly jumped with joy when I saw one of my friends. "Thank God!" I said, walking over the table that held the food and drinks. A head of blond locks turned to look at me, a half grin on her face. The dress she was wearing had me in envy, the black contrasting her pale skin and light coloured features.

"Vanessa! I half expected you to bring the Scotland yard with you." I scoffed at my friends words, but her blue eyes held a playful glint. "Hello Cade!" She said looking towards Charles. That was when I glanced down at her hand, an empty wine glass. I snickered, and Charles bowed despite being called a wrong name.

"It's Charles. How much to drink have you had, Becky?" I asked, raising my brow slightly.

"Mmm, I like Cade better. And not too much!" Becky insisted, giggling at my words. Handing me a wine glass, and grabbing one herself, she gestured towards the crowd.

"You should see some of the men here, one girl's teacher...amazing. That said, I think we'll be safe from the Count, he's had his eyes on the girl since she came in." I looked to her, nodding my head with what she said. Lifting my glass to my lips, began to drink the liquid that would send me in a warm state for the night.

"Ack!" Becky and I both looked to the ground, a girl with black hair, pink and black dress, fallen on her knees and breathing heavily. When she looked up, there was surprise in both our eyes. Well, eye for 'her' since one of them was covered.

"Speak of the devil, that's the girl I was speaking of!" Becky whispered, then the blond smiled at the 'girl'.

My God.

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