Day 3

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"What's that?" I asked, pointing towards a camera with my finger like a child. I was standing behind Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Bardroy which is probably why they all yelled in surprised when I spoke. My brother and Charles were off in the town, to get a present for Ciel.

"Oh! Miss Vanessa!" Mey-Rin gasped, grabbing her chest as she tried to calm her breathing. She looked back at the camera, and shrugged. "Talbot-something or other. The young master gave us a job to do with it!" I narrowed my eyes. Ciel gave them a job? He actually trusted them?

"We have to get Sebastian to stay still for ten seconds! Ciel wants a picture of him!" Finnian explained, then shoved a picture of him and a bird in my face. "Look, look! The camera shows the most important thing to the person!"

"That's not of this world." Bardroy added in. I frowned, and looked at the three of them like they were nuts. But, they were going after Sebastian...I smirked.

"I'm in."


We were all crammed in a secret room behind a bookcase in the library, watching Sebastian clean. I was on my knees, peeking through a small hole.

"Stay still..." Bardroy said above me.

"I-it's ten seconds!" Mey-Rin added.

"Ten seconds." Finnian confirmed. The voices were all hushed, and we watched intently. Sebastian pulled his glove on tighter, about to start cleaning.

"Get ready..." I whispered, but we were all hit dumbstruck. Sebastian was moving so quickly, it was hard to keep an eye on him.

"He's so fast, I'm having trouble keeping track of him with my eyes!" Mey-Rin exclaimed, awe in her voice. I shook my head, this wasn't possible for a person to do.

"Ah, he stopped!" I shook out of my thoughts, and looked to Sebastian. He was in front of a plant, and waved a cloth that turned into a red rose. How the hell, did that man do that?! Sebastian walked out of the room, the library was sparkling clean.

"I forgot to take it..." Bardroy said, a bit dazed. Finnian was clapping slowly, and Mey-Rin was struck with admiration. My mouth hung open stupidly. I hadn't seen someone clean like that. I made a mental note to watch Charles the next time he cleaned.

We tried, we really did. Finnian even went through a wall. Ciel even tried to help us.

"Sebastian, your face looks wonderful in this profile as well." I looked to Mey-Rin after she said that, and hit her in the side.

"Take the picture!" I hissed, we were balancing on a very tall ladder. Almost after I had said it, Mey-Rin and Finnian ducked down almost as fast as Sebastian can clean. The window was open, and I hugged myself to the ladder as close as I could get. I held my breath, I could sense the butler looking out.

"Let's let some air in."


Now we all sat on the floor, exhausted from trying to snap a picture of Sebastian. When the door closest to us suddenly slammed open. We all jumped, and Sebastian walked in.

"There is a job I would like the three of you to do." Sebastian said, looking towards the three servants. He pointed to the window, were a screamed.

"It's just Pluto Vanessa!" Finnian explained, trying to hug the window. I stood, gaping at the thing. "It's a demon dog! Cute, huh?" He added. I looked around the room, everyone seemed normal with it. Well, Sebastian looked annoyed.

"We are having guests this afternoon, please ensure that it will not be in their sight." Guests? I looked to Sebastian, he smiled back.

"Hey, we have our own jobs to do as well." Bardroy said, looking out the window.

"Do it between your other jobs." I said flatly, my face having gone pale. Sebastian left, shutting the door. I ran up to it, and placed my ear against it.

"Now maybe I can concentrate on my work." He knew! Sebastian knew we were there! That man couldn't have been human. I wasn't done with him, ohheckno. I quickly slipped out of the door, walking behind Sebastian. The voice of Mey-Rin was faintly heard behind me.

"Miss Vanessa? Hey, where'd she go?"

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