Night 4

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I had been nervous all afternoon with Sebastian's previous threat. Nothing happened though. Each time I passed him, he'd have that stupid grin on his face. I was sitting at the dinner table, my eye slightly twitching as I was being served my wine and food. I was nervous, maybe he drugged my food? No, he's not that tacky-

"Something the matter, Miss Vanessa?" Charles asked, and my gaze shifted to him. My answer was a sarcastic no, and my brother looked to me.

" was your walk earlier?" My brother asked, sipping his water after he saw my glare.

"The wine should calm those nerves, Miss Vanessa~" Sebastian said, smiling. Charles eyed him curiously, the tone Sebastian was using was far to friendly. I downed the wine, but barely touched my food. While it was being cleared away, I looked up to Sebastian.

"Have YOU been having wine? You're always so bloody calm. No one can tell what your thinking, or what your next move is going to be!" I stated, my tongue beginning to become a little loose. Everyone paused and looked at Sebastian and I. He laughed, and shook his head. Bardroy looked down at Finnian.

"She has a point..."

"Dismissed, all of you. Charles, make Vanessa some tea...maybe that will fill her stomach some." Ciel said, waving a hand. Sebastian followed followed his young master to prepare him for bed. Charles turned to Stephen.

"Go on up, master Stephen. I will be there momentarily." Stephen nodded, and rubbed his eyes as he headed for his room. Charles and I made our way to the kitchen.


"God." I muttered, and put my head down on the counter. Whatever wine Sebastian had given me, was making my head spin. I could hear Charles moving around the kitchen, making me the desired tea. The door opened, and I turned my head to see Sebastian enter.

"Charles, Master Stephen requires your assistance." Sebastian explained, then added a little more after a glance towards me. "I can continue making the tea, and see to it that she goes to bed."

"I don't think-" Charles began, but I slapped my hand onto the counter.

"Just goooooooo, Charles. S-Stephen needs you." A brow was raised from both butlers, and Charles sighed as he walked out of the room. "That wasn't normal wineee." I complained, looking at Sebastian. He chuckled, and shook his head.

"You are just a light weight."

I scoffed, and rose my head from the counter. "Liar." The tea was sent in front of me, and I took a deep breath and admired the aroma.

"Earl Grey tea, miss. I hope its to your satisfaction." I waved his words off, drinking the tea down rather quickly. I looked down into my empty cup.

"It tastes weird."

"It'll help you sleep. Come, I shall take you to the land of fluffy cloud kittens." I snapped my gaze to his, frowning in confusion.

"What? What did you just say?" I asked, not sure if I was hearing correctly.

"I shall take you to your room...are you feeling unwell? Perhaps the herb is making you tired quicker than I thought, oh well. Come along." Sebastian helped me off the stool I was sitting on. I stumbled into his arms.

"Whoops, sorry Sebby."


Sebastian chuckled, and shook his head. It had been rather bold of him, but this was highly entertaining to the demon butler. He lifted Vanessa into his arms, enjoying the warmth her body shared with him. He carried her to her room, and set her down on the bed gently, already fallen asleep. If he had no class he would have had her, claimed her there. But no, he was enjoying his game with her. Putting his hand to his mouth, he pulled off his glove with his teeth. A bare hand trailed down Vanessa's body, starting at her cheek. Slowly he moved down, past her chest and to her stomach. The fabric of her dress caused his hand to tingle, and the sound of her voice caused him to stop his movement.

"Sebastian...why are your eyes glowing?" The voice was soft, innocent and tired. He looked away, his eyes returning to normal. Looking back up at her, he grinned.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." He replied, pulling his glove back on and standing straight.

"Liar. You aren't human..." Her tired, nonsense mind continued to ramble, and he smirked at how right she was.

"Let me get you into something for comfortable to sleep."

"No, I'm her butler. I'll do it." The sound of Charles' voice caused Sebastian to turn in surprise. And then breath out heavily in annoyance. Sebastian walked out of the room, wishing Charles and Vanessa a good night. Charles watched him leave with a critical eye, any trust for the butler gone.

"What am I going to do with you, Vanessa?" Charles sighed, preparing her for bed.

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