Day 5

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I was in the kitchen, helping Bardroy with breakfast. I figured if I helped the food would be edible. But my head was was slightly pounding, and I was really tired still. I had slept restlessly that night, and I sighed and began cutting the bread. The sound of the door caused her eyes to snap towards the intruder, annoyance in her gaze. Sebastian moved silently into the room, moving beside me to help prepare the food.


Bardroy looked between the silent pair, they were working steadily. He raised a brow, but shook his head and went to toast the bread, as were Vanessa's earlier instructions. The silence was broken by Vanessa, her voice cutting into the room like a knife.

"Ouch! Damnit!" Bardroy looked to her, and noticed she had sliced her finger and it was lightly bleeding.

"Bardroy. Your help is no longer needed, please go help Finnian in the garden." Sebastian ordered, and Bardroy noticed he was looking to Vanessa and had gripped her bleeding hand.

"Uh..are you su-" Bardroy began, but a snap ("Yes, go.") from Sebastian made Bardroy scurry out of the room-and straight to the other two to tell them of the weird behavior Sebastian displayed.


We were alone in the kitchen, and Sebastian was just staring at my cut finger. He was holding up my injured hand by my wrist, staring at the blood, watching the thin ruby flow slowly sliding down my finger. The butler's dark eyes seemed transfixed, and I grew more nervous with each silent second that passed. I swallowed deeply, and mustered up my courage to say his name.

"S...Sebastian..." I said, uncertainty in my voice. His eyes flashed to me, then back to my finger. Then, slowly, he began pulling my hand towards him. I grabbed his arm with my free hand, and tried to pull away. "What are you...? Stop, Sebastian!" I said, suddenly wishing Charles would have one of his moments of randomly walking in.

No such luck. Sebastian used his free hand to grab my hand that was clinging to his arm, and pinned it to the counter. He moved his body so it was against mine, and my breathing sped up.

"Sebastian! Stop!" I hissed, but my words were weak. But then I stared, transfixed as Sebastian slowly let his tongue move past his lips. His head bent ever so slightly, and his tongue slid from the bottom of my finger to the tip. The blood flowing into his mouth, but apparently that wasn't enough. When the tip of his tongue met the tip of my finger, he moved it into his mouth. A gasp escaped my lips, and I jumped when his eyes suddenly flashed open. They were red.

"Y...y-you're not human!" I stuttered, barely remembering the night before when I had said the same thing. I struggled in his grasp, but this caused him to only press closer to me. Heat flooded my cheeks, and a hot shiver went down my body. My finger tingled from slight pain, and I began trying to pull my hand away. His eyes snapped to mine, they had gone back to their regular colour. He released my hand, put his own were now trailing up my arms. His touch was sending chills throughout my body, I was growing dizzy. Suddenly, a hand went behind my neck, his other around my waist. Then, he slammed our bodies together, and our lips met in the most passionate kiss I had ever had. My eyes were wide, his were closed. I couldn't even respond, Sebastian had pulled away and taken a few steps back as quickly as he had kissed me.

"Forgive me, my lady...I..lost control." He looked to me, a smirk on his face.

"You don't say.." I choked out. Then I pointed at him accusingly. "What! Are! You!?"

"One hell of a butler..." Sebastian took some of the food and placed it on the cart, sending me a wink as he left the room.

"Hey! What the hell does that mean!?" I called, running after him.


Charles waited in the dinning room with the two young masters. His eyes were eagerly trained on the door, his teeth clenched behind his lips. Where were they? As much as he hated to admit it, Charles was feeling nervous. Ciel sat at the end of the table, his hands clasped together, elbows rested on the table. Stephen was playing with his large tie, much like a bored, small child. Charles' eyes snapped to the door when they opened, and immediately they narrowed. Sebastian was grinning at him, a leer more like. Vanessa trailed in after him, moving to sit next to her brother. Her hand was wrapped and she was trying to hide it.

Charles allowed his gaze to drift to the Phantomhive butler, a deadly glint in his eyes.

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