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I stood outside with the other servants, watching as Ciel got into the carriage and Sebastian mount onto the driver's seat. We all gave waves as they went off, Sebastian shooting us a 'the house better not be in disarray when we come back' smile. Smirking, I turned to the other four and clapped my hands together.

"Alright...I am leaving for a few hours, but I should be back by nightfall. Please, don't destroy the house. Sebastian can and will kill all of us if the house burns down." I said, glancing at Bard. He smiled sheepishly at me, and I made him promise he wouldn't use his flame thrower to cook lunch or dinner.

"Do you need a carriage, Miss Vanessa?" Mey-Rin asked, fixing her glasses on her face. I shook my head, explaining how one horse would be enough as I entered the mansion once more. I dressed in my riding gown, and went back outside to greet the horse I was borrowing.

"Thank you Finny." I said, getting on top of the beautiful black mare. He smiled at me, and waved as I rode off. My first stop was to my house first, I needed another change of clothes.


Abby was surprised to see me, and I explained I needed my real riding clothes, not a dress. She helped me gather my clothing, and helped me with my riding corset that went over top of my puffy sleeved top. My black riding leggings and boots complimented the dark blue and black corset, while my top was white. Around my neck was a locket that held a portrait of my family, plus a formally loyal butler. Abby helped me into my winter jacket, and I gave her my farewells. I told her I'd come back a few days before my parents did, and she nodded and watched me leave.

It was a lot faster travelling alone, and on one horse. But I was anxious as to Claude's reaction. I wasn't sure how I was going to ask him, or what my contract would be really. I knew I couldn't bring my brother back, it had been to long after his death I was afraid to bring him back now. That said, I couldn't let him burn eternally, not alone. And I would rather not going around killing people just so I could get onto Satan's side of the afterlife.

I rode for an hour or so, before the large estate was visible to my eyes. My body was shaking as I got off the horse, and I walked up to the large door. I hesitated, unsure if I should ring the bell. No doubt if Alois saw me, I would be questioned for my unannounced visit. However my hand rang the door, my heart nearly jumping in my throat.


Claude inwardly sighed as he neared the door, no one was scheduled to visit at this hour. However when he opened it, he found a pleasant surprise. The nervousness radiated off of her in waves, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little confused.

"Miss Kingsly? Are you here to see the young master?" He asked, watching her shift her weight between each side. His eyes travelled down her body, taking notice of her riding attire. Looking behind her, he saw her one horse.

", actually. I was hoping I could speak with you." With him? Had she really just said that? He rose a brow in confusion, but a smirk was threatening to break through.

"I would be very grateful, Mr. Faustus. Just for a moment." He hadn't even said anything, and she was on the verge of begging. Claude openly smirked, and stepped outside as he closed the door behind him. Vanessa opened her mouth to continue talking, but he held up his hand. Any words she was about to say caught in her throat, and he grabbed onto her. Before she could let out words of protest, he moved them rapidly into the forest. This way none of the triplets, or Hannah, could hear their conversation without him knowing.


The comfort I once found in the silent cold of winter days now was making me nervous. Claude made me nervous. I was bent and holding onto a tree, he had gripped me far to tightly around my stomach, and I was rather winded and in pain. I looked over to the butler.

"Miss Vanessa?" Claude pressed, and I noticed I had been staring at him. I laughed nervously, at my own stupidity.

"F-forgive me Claude. I was wondering...uh..." I stood, taking a few steps away from the tree. " Will you make a contract with me?" His eyes widened slightly, and I winced. We both stood there silently, and I lost all colour in my face. Perhaps this was a stupid idea, I'd just have to beg Undertaker to let me borrow those books again-


Claude was suddenly behind her, his head bent and his mouth at her ear.

"A contract?" He purred, a deadly yet attractive tone to his voice. "Do you even know what that means? I would be bound to you, yes, the end I would get you...." Using a hand, he lightly traced a finger along her neck in a slicing motion. "...devour you..." He grabbed onto her throat then, pressing her against him as his other hand wrapped around her. "..destined to be mine, and mine only." A dark smirk crossed his features, she had shivered in his arms.

"I..uh..I'm fully aware Claude." She mumbled, reaching up and trying to pry his hands from her. "But I would ask that it not go into effect until your contract with Alois is completed." His one hand obeyed her wish, only to move the hair from the one side of her neck. He loved being so in control of her, and he figured that if he made a contract with her, it would end up her serving him instead of the other way around. The thought pleased him.

"Doable." He whispered, and his lips teased the skin on her neck. A the sound of her gasp, he grinned briefly against her skin. "What is your wish, my lady?"

"Uh..." Her head was spinning, she couldn't think straight.

"I want...power. Stay with me until I've secured and made my mark on this world." Claude moved to her front, and slammed her against the tree with the hand that was on her neck. His other hand trailed up the length of her thigh.

"It's not what you truly want, but..." He looked down at her, watched as she reached up and grabbed the hands around her throat trying to breathe again. Oh how fun she will be once she was in his possession. All he had to do was finish his contract with Alois, than this fiery but pure soul would be his too. He almost couldn't wait.""

A human soul, so temptingWhere stories live. Discover now