Day 3 pt 2

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As I was hunting down Sebastian, a rather annoying game seeing as that man disappeared once I got my eyes on him, I paused to look out a window. I spotted the three servants. They had a leash for that giant dog...Pluto was it? I shook my head, they were crazy. Hearing a cart being wheeled by, I ducked behind a plate of armor. Sebastian strolled by, lunch for the young master being delivered. Once he had disappeared behind the study's door, I sighed. This game was getting tiring, I decided to take a break from it.

I was walking back towards my room, letting my brown hair fall from the bun it had been placed in. The dark strands falling freely by my shoulders, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I turned suddenly, looking behind me. The hallway was silent, save for the yelling coming from outside. I took a few steps back, hitting something hard. I froze, and turned around.

"Oh, silly me." I said, laughing. Patting the door lightly with my hand, being pleased to see it was my room's door that I had hit. I left one hand against the door, feeling its wood to be rather cool. I lazily reached for the doorknob when another hand clamped down it it. And another grasped my other wrist. A body pushed me against the door, pinning me rather effectively.

My dark eyes were wide, and my pale face was reddened at the cheeks. My heart reacted quickly, the rhythm speeding to almost make a tango.

"Done playing already?" A dark voice whispered against my skin. My thoughts were racing so fast I barely heard him, Sebastian's voice simply sent me into a daze. I tried to pull together a response, my tongue was hard to operate.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Dark laughter filled the hallway, and the hand on top of mine made me turn the doorknob. The door was shoved open by the force of our bodies, and I fell to the ground on all fours. My hair fell like a curtain around my face.

"Following me with the other three? Then on your own? The way your eyes watched my every movement...the determination in your lusting heart?" Sebastian said, I refused to look at him. He...he was wrong, I was not lusting!



He watched her hands curl into the rug beneath her. Chuckling, he moved so he was in front of the young girl. Bending down, he placed a hand underneath her chin and forced her gaze upwards. Vanessa's hair fell back, her face was flushed in the most delicious way. Bringing up his free hand, he allowed his knuckles to lightly drag down the side of her cheek. Glancing at her neck, Sebastian could see her pulse racing. It made a shiver shoot through him, an interesting event. But he hid it well, she didn't notice.

"No words, my lady?" His words were whispered, and he pulled her to her knees and into his arms. Those gloved hands and strong arms curled around her, gripping her tight. He could feel the rise of her chest as she breathed deeply, and unevenly. Her soft, slender hands gripped his jacket tightly, he knew what she wanted. Leaning down, there was an urgency in his actions...Sebastian was losing his control. Their lips were almost touching, he could feel her breath against his lips..almost...

"Vaaaaanessa!!" Stephen. Damn that boy. Vanessa jerked back, and pulled from his grasp, turning for the door. Sebastian eyed her hungrily, his eyes flashing a red colour. Turning, he jumped out from the balcony just as she exited the room, slamming the door shut.

Sebastian stood outside, watching the devil dog sleep close to the house. "Good grief, those would probably be better if they were just eaten by him." A stray cat suddenly caught his attention. "Oh my."


I was against my door, trying to catch my breath as my brother ran down the hallway. Charles was close behind, carrying a few bags. My family's butler eyed me oddly when he neared.

"Vanessa~! Charles found you a pretty pink dress-" Charles smirked, knowing I hated that colour, this caused me to glare at him. However Stephen tugged on the front of my dress, looking up at me. "You'll look as pretty as a picture!" I groaned at his last words, and shrugged him off. I was in a rather odd mood and continued walking down the hallway.

"Don't even mention the word picture!!" I yelled behind me.


Stephen stared after his older sister, a confused frown on his face. "Weird...she smelled like Sebastian's cologne."

Charles' eyes widened.

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