Day 4

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My shoes had been kicked aside, and I was walking around on the grass. There was a slight breeze, but the sky was clear of any clouds and was the bluest I had ever seen. A smile was on my face, and the flowers were silently getting my admiration as I passed them.


I paused, and took a few steps back. Casting my gaze upwards and into the tree, I saw a small black cat. It looked at me innocently, and let another meow escape it's cute little face.

"Awww,sweet little thing! Are you stuck?" I cooed, reaching my hands upwards. Urging it to jump, the cat looked at me like I was stupid. Sighing, my hands fell back to my sides. An attempt to climb the tree would not end well...oh well, it needed my help! I gripped a branch, and held on for dear life as I tried to use my feet to walk up the tree. The first time this failed, as did the second. Third went better, but the end result was still me landing on my back. I glared up at the tree, and the cat stared down at me. There was an amused glint in it's eyes, and I scoffed. My hair was spread around me, and dirt covered my dress...I must've looked like a mess.


The cat jumped down, landing on my stomach. "Oof!" There was a glare in my look, but as soon as the cat nuzzled against my cheek I gushed. All anger and previously failed events forgotten. "You're so cute~" Continuing to complement the cat, I made my way back towards the mansion. There was a figure waiting for me.

"What are that a cat?" Sebastian asked, and I nodded. Snuggling with the feline, I grinned.

"Let me hold it. I do believe you've had sufficient time holding it, I will take it for you." Sebastian said, a new quirky tone to his voice. My grin turned into a glare, and I hugged the cat closer.

"No~ Mine." I said, and attempted to walk around Sebastian. Of course that would not be tolerated. Was this to be a battle for the cute fluff ball in my arms?

"Sebastian, cats don't like you. They run in fear."

"Don't say that!" Sebastian snapped, and I grinned at my little victory. He reached out his hands, silently demanding to hold Mr. Kitty.

"They hiss, too." I continued, sticking my tongue out when the cat meowed. "See, he agreed with me." Moving to my left, he followed my movements.

"I suggest you stop taunting me, Vanessa." His voice had turned a little darker, but I couldn't stop.

"Hmm~ I think not. You know how cats hate dirty litter boxes? Well you, Mr. Sebastian- waa!" My snide comment turned into a surprised yelp, the butler lunged at me! The cat leapt from my arms in time, but Sebastian tumbled on top of me, the two of us falling to the ground. We both watched the cat walk down the steps and back onto the yard. The swish and flick of it's tail the final taunt to us both.

A sigh passed Sebastian's lips, and he looked down at me. He was on all fours, a hand on either side of my head. "Seemed like the cat hates your voice most of all."

"Does not! You lunged, he jumped and ran for it!"

"To be precise, the cat walked away...showing it was a leisurely choice. To get away from you of course. Maybe because you are so untidy." Now he was taunting me. He stood however, and held out a hand to help me up. Grabbing it, I glared at him.

"Sebastian, I'm going to murder you."

"Actually, it is I who is going to get you next. You wouldn't let meto takethe cat, for that, you will be-..well, you shall see." I stared dumbfounded at the retreating Butler's back. What did I just start?

"Uh, that's just a joke right? Ha, ha...Sebastian, you aren't going to get me back, right?... Sebastian!?" Crap.

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