Cherry Stalks

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"Make it out of wax and stone, wax and stone, wax and stone. Make it out of wax and stone, my fair lady."

It was all I could hear when I gained a little bit of my senses back. The humming was beginning to drive me insane, and I struggled to gain my vision again. I groggily pulled up my head, a pain shooting through it immediately. I went to move my hands, but they were bound behind my back. There were a lot of doll parts around me, and the guy from earlier working on a table. There was a stove on one side of the room...where was I?

"Where's Lizzie?" I hissed, trying to get the ropes loose. But all it did was rub against my skin painfully.

"Hush..I'll deal with you after I'm done." The voice answered, very calm and collected. I verbally protested, and my words were getting more colorful and vile with each passing moment.


Drocell sighed, and left his newest creation on the table. Turning to Vanessa, he tilted his head and walked closer towards her.

"Master didn't want you..." He drawled, his hand reaching for the gun on the table.


My eyes widened when I saw the gun, and my breath caught in my throat. Crap. He walked closer, and cocked the gun, pointing it at my head. I looked down, not able to look at the gun. And my would-be killer. I held my breath, and waited for the shot to come.

"Oh...we have visitors, excuse me." And just like that the gun was put down. My head felt really light, then I remembered I had stopped breathing. Releasing the breath I had, I laughed at my stupid luck that people would be here.

A gun shot rang throughout the room. The echo bouncing off the tall walls of the room.

The clank of the gun being dropped added insult to injury of my previous hope. I wasn't dead eyes trailed downwards, my once pale blue dress stained with that red colour around my stomach. My body suddenly felt very heavy, and I let it drop to the ground with my head hitting the floor harshly. I watched with growing weakness as the doll man, as I had come to call him, left the room. He took one glance behind him before he shut the door, and then I was left alone. My brown locks spread around me like a curtain, my darker eyes losing their light as darkness took me.


My hair was matted with my own life source now, seeing as the blood had spread on the floor. It was hot and sticky, but that was the least of my problems. The pain I could now feel was crushing, and I tried to take as many steady breaths as I could.

I thought I heard a dog howl, but that could have been the case. A simple dog. I had no idea where we were, but it wasn't like I had the strength to get up or move. My arms were still behind my back, and the sound of the door opening caused me to look in the direction awkwardly and weakly.

"Good god..." Was that Ciel? What was...oh...Lizzie..where did that girl go? She was just with me a second ago..."Lizzie!" Good, he found her. Now I could close my eyes and

"Ah, ah. It's terribly rude to fall asleep during your rescue." I forced my eyes open once again, and found that I could move my arms freely. Sebastian was smiling down at me, always with that damned smile. I still wanted to slap it off his face. I tried reaching up, but I could only touch the side of his face lightly in my vain attempt tohit him. My hand dropped, and he sat me up, looking over my wounds. Then he stood, and picked me up in his arms. Walking over to where I presumed Ciel was, his voice was growing louder as he was calling Lizzie, I thought I saw a familiar redhead.

"It's seems we came to late." I lost track of the conversation for a moment after Grell spoke, but I was awakened sure enough. I was thrust into Grell's arms by Sebastian, and he went to save Ciel. I clung onto the Reaper, and gave a sheepish smile. "Tch...I don't even want to admit how pretty you look bathed in red." He said, glaring at me for a second before looking away again.

"Never as pretty as you Grell." I stated, my voice a wheeze. Grell looked down at me, with surprise and glee in his face. I think I just made a new friend.

"Grell. You can see it too?" Sebastian.

"Mm, yes. But I may get hurt from that blade."


Grell put me on the table gently, and hugged himself as he love danced on the spot. " Are you asking me for a favor? Then when we kiss it will be with tongue!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I tie cherry stalks with my tongue." Woah, Sebastian? Careful there, I might start calling you Sebby too. Grell's reaction made me laugh, and I tried my best to sit up. By the time I was standing on two wobbly legs, my hand was drenched in red from clenching my stomach so tightly.

Sebastian suddenly had his arms around me, keeping me from falling. Then a puppet's string wrapped around each of us. But this only caused Sebastian and I to be pushed together tighter. "I apologize for any pain this may cause you.." He said suddenly, and I didn't get the chance to ponder his words when he kicked the axe up and at the doll man.

"Jesus! Sebastian!" I cried, the sudden pain giving life to my voice. However the string around us fell, and in turn so did I. Sebastian grabbed me before I hit the ground, and he set me down gently.

"A moment, my lady. I'm sorry to inconvenience you."

I waved off his words, and moved closer to Ciel and Lizzie. I felt guilty, I was with her. If I had only dragged her out of the store, none of this would have happened. To either of us. I had to much blood loss, that and I was feeling like I was going to throw up. I weakly set myself to the ground, letting my eyes drop.

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