The nerve

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The glare in my eyes faltered for a moment, fear and anger conflicting my mind. There was a third emotion in there that I don't even want to admit to. So for the moment, I ignored the third completely. I shoved all emotions down, and made my face as flat and expressionless as possible.

"I'll just tell you. You don't need to try so hard." I said, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. What was his question? I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was. Claude's hand didn't move, it continued to block my way. But there was enough space for me to move around him, so that's what I began to do. Moving closer to the wall I began walking further down the hall. Claude followed close behind. Casting a glance behind me, I raised my brows as if to ask him to repeat what he wanted to know.

"Who is the other demon? The third." I looked at him oddly, then remembered he had said another's scent was masking my own. Frowning, I turned back around to continue walking down the hall. I highly doubted Sebastian would have wanted me to tell him. I wonder how playing dumb would turn out?

"I have no idea what you're talking about..." I said over my shoulder, but had to stop walking when a hand slammed in front of me on the wall. Apparently playing dumb was not a bright idea.

"" Claude spoke slowly to me, and I looked to him. There was never any expression on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, or what he was going to do next. Nor did I understand why the name was so important, I thought demons received new names with each new contract?

"There's only you and Charles." I insisted, turning the other way. Claude sensed this, and slammed his other hand on the wall. Each hand was near my head, so all I had to do was duck down. But I didn't want to, not yet. Charles was always commenting on my unhealthy obsessions, and after nearly 24 hours, I think Claude was becoming one. Yet, this demon brought out a slightly different side of me. Once the fear level in me calmed.

"Do not waste my time by lying." He leaned down closer to my face, his golden and enchanting eyes boring into me. "I told you I'd get the answer out of you.." One of his hands left the wall, and dropped to my waist.

"I don't see why names are so important." I said, trying not to let my voice rise with my increased breathing pattern. A dark smile tugged on Claude's lips, and that made me slightly nervous. I refused him the satisfaction of seeing that though. Moving his lips to my ear, he gripped my waist tighter.

"Names, are about to become very important. Wouldn't want you yelling the wrong one." His voice was low and husky. There was something that was thrilling about being so close to him, and this time I couldn't suppress the shiver. However his words did make me flush, and I pushed away from him and ducked under his raised arm.

"Do you take me for some common prostitute on the street?" I asked, my voice a little breathy.

"I highly doubt I need any money for you to take your dress off for me." There was even a smirk in the tone of his voice. My eyes widened at the boldness, and I turned. My wrist was caught, and I was pulled back into him. "All you need, is a little encouragement. Which I can easily provide."

I swallowed deeply, and I pulled my wrist free from his grasp. "The nerve you have is extraordinary."

"Name." Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms over my chest. Claude raised a brow, and began to remove his glasses. He was actually serious? My mouthed opened a few times then closed, I couldn't think of anything to say. So with a graceful pivot I began walking in the opposite direction. It was probably four seconds after that I was slammed against the wall. After a moment of mustering up my courage to glance up at Claude, cold and flat golden eyes were staring back at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off with Claude pushing his lips on top of mine. He took full advantage of my open mouth, his tongue exploring. My hands went around his neck, and he grabbed my waist and pushed our bodies closer together. Now, this felt incredibly wrong but amazing at the same time. A delighted shock went through my body, and I almost protested when he pulled away. But when Claude pulled back, his demonic glowing eyes were staring back at me. He moved to place his lips at my neck, but my father's voice made us both freeze.

"Vanessa! We're about to leave, come down now!"


Claude didn't release Vanessa, not right away. He was busy admiring the fear mixed with growing pleasure in those glazed over dark brown eyes. Smirking, he allowed her to slowly pull away. Watching her smooth down her dress and hair, he realized that sometimes games were fun to play. And if it wasn't for their departure that morning, he would have kept playing. Now there was a possessive air about him, he wanted her to himself. The way she shivered beneath his finger tips allowed satisfaction and need spread through him. Watching her walk down the stairs, he noticed her trying to steady her voice as she neared her parents. One of the absolute best parts of this entire thing?

He knew the other demon Sebastian Michaelis all along.

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