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"I'm going to go explore." I said, throwing my jacket onto the bed. Stephen and Charles looked to me, almost as if I were growing two heads.

"I advise against that Miss Vanessa, your are a guest in the house. You do not know these people as well as the Phantomhives, and as such similar behaviors you display there, are not appropriate for here. That said, shall I come with you?" Charles asked, grabbing my jacket and placing it in the closet. I hadn't met Alois yet, so I have no idea what he was like.

"Tch, I won't go into any closed doors. I'll just check out the house, I am staying the night after all. And no, stay here." I countered, and left the room before Charles could object.

My feet hit the floor, and I swear it was the only noise in my house. The place was massive and gorgeous don't get me wrong, but so empty. I tugged at the back of my dress, the corset was a bit too tight. Mother had insisted on my best, and tightest dress for the evening, and now I was silently cursing her request. However the pale pink complemented my skin and hair colour. I was in the dinning room, and it was probably as large as the library in my home was. I was walking near the wall, and I stopped when i thought I heard tapping.

Cautiously I moved forward, away from the wall to look at the second floor. My face was in a confused frown, was that the butler? What was his name? Ah yes, Claude Faustus. He was dancing on top of the railing, facing the wall so he didn't see me. I stood there, watching him dance with a bewildered look on my face. That butler didn't seem like...well...the type to dance on a railing. When he stopped, he slowly turned to face into the dinning room, I was lucky he held his eyes closed for a moment. I bolted near the fireplace and hid, not wanting to disturb him. Although my curiosity kept me rooted to the spot, and I was interested to watch his next move.

Holy-mother-...what!? He jumped? And not only that, grabbed on to the large chandelier. I'm fairly certain my mouth was nearly touching the floor. I had to hold a gasp as the once pale colored room turned to a fiery gold and red. Claude titled his head up, his glasses landing perfectly on his face. My eyes were as wide as the dinner plates. No human was capable of that!...Wait...then that meant...

"I will turn day into night, sugar into salt, living into dead, dark blue into gold." Claude spoke, pushing his glasses further up.

I was breathing heavily, and pressing myself as tightly against the wall as was humanly possible. I knew one to many demons for my liking, adding another wasn't ideal. My thoughts drifted to Alois, and I wondered what kind of deal he made. That thought process didn't last long, as a pair of strikingly gold eyes landed on me. I grimaced.

"Miss Vanessa, is it?" Claude asked, beginning to walk towards me. Standing, I inched myself against the wall closer towards the door.

"Erm, yes, yes it is. My uh..apologies Mr..Faustus..I was...-"

"Exploring?" His tone was like a knife, precise and to the point. While Sebastian had made me nervous, this butler scared me. I was afraid that if I ever said the wrong thing, he was going to lunge, attack and destroy. I went from meeting a butler that never stopped smiling, to one that looked like he was going to kill me.

"Aha..yes. I'm..done doing that. And I shall return to my room until we're summoned for supper. Excuse me." I walked towards the door rather quickly, but Claude jumped in front of me. I took a step back, surprised. There was a silence between us, but soon enough a voice I had yet to meet the owner of, rang throughout the mansion.

"Claude!" The butler gave a bow, and jumped to the second floor. His eyes looked back at me, the slightest shadow of a smirk present. I shuddered, and ran out of that room looking for familiar faces.


What was so special about her that another demon hand begun to hide her scent? It wasn't her butler, so it didn't make sense to Claude. There was more than one demon in the girl's life, and he wanted to know more. He saw no point in dancing around questions, that would be a waste of pure time. She already knew of the demon world, he wasn't going to play dumb with her. However, the only way he would understand was if he got a taste of her soul. But at this point, he needed her blood. Whatever demon that was trying to hide her from others, had a decent amount of power. Claude couldn't tell the state of her soul without her blood. Vanessa's stay at the Trancy estate would prove to be an interesting one later that night. The best thing about the girl however, was the fear she showed him. Claude held dominance, something he often had to control when he made contracts. The look in her eyes was arousing, he wondered how much more fear he could fill those eyes with.

"The house is prepared for your uncle's visit tomorrow, master. And dinner will be served momentarily, please make your way to the dinning room. I will tell your guests to meet you there." He bowed low, and the blond hair, blue-eyed master of his jumped out of his chair eagerly.

A human soul, so temptingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ