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Hi again!

Wow, it's been a while since I've written something for this book.  I'm sorry that it's not an actual update or anything.  However, I've started books, and completed books since publishing this one, and this is still my most popular book, so thank you guys for that. :)

On to the point of this chapter.

WRESTLINGCOMMUNITY has some projects going on, and one of them is #PROJECTSAVEOVERRATEDWRESTLERS. It involves "the best use of overrated wrestlers with an out of the box and unique plot-line." I think All I Want meets this requirement.

I mean, I don't think I've come across any other books where Seth Rollins becomes obsessed with a girl's fanfic, but I may just be overlooking them.

This and Toxic Valentine are really the only books that I can use this hashtag for, but that's fine.

If anyone reading this is interested in more books by me, the first two reading lists on my profile ("Last Young Renegade" and "Drugs & Candy") are all of my completed + ongoing books.  Do check it out if you get a chance.

I think that's all I've got, but again: THANK YOU. I never imagined this book would be as popular or liked as it got, and I just really appreciate all the comments and votes I've gotten on it. :)

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