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rampaiging-charlie: Before I start, I just want you to know that this isn't Charlie. I'm Hannah, the girl she was with when... well, you know.  She accidentally left her phone at my place when she was rushing off for work, so I figured I'd take the time to message you, especially after reading what she sent you.

rampaiging-charlie: I do realize that you may not come on Wattpad anymore, or that you may be busy doing wrestling things, so you might not even read these messages.

rampaiging-charlie: Charlie freaked out; we both know this. I do see where she was coming from, but you never got the chance to explain yourself.  Assuming that you reply to me, anything you say will be kept between you and me, unless you'd like me to show Charlie.

Hannah wasn't even sure he was going to reply to her, but it was worth a shot. 

As Charlie's best friend, she knew how stubborn she could be.  While, yes, she did believe that he should've told her who he was from the beginning, she also believed that everyone deserved a chance.

Within a few minutes, she had a reply.

BadNewsRollins: What would you like to know?

rampaiging-charlie: First: why didn't you tell her who you were from the beginning?

BadNewsRollins: If you were her, would you believe that you were talking to Seth Rollins? It's too crazy to be true, and she'd think I was just some weird fan.

BadNewsRollins: Also, she never actually asked for my name. I only know hers because 1. I remember meeting her, and she told me her name, and 2. She has it in her username.

BadNewsRollins: And even if I did somehow convince her that I really am who I say am. Who's to say she wouldn't do what she did? Freak out and assume I'm making fun of her.

rampaiging-charlie: Which leads me to my next question: why DID you read her story? How the hell did you manage to find it, especially since you're not even in it?

BadNewsRollins: (This is going to sound bad, but read all of it before you reply.)

BadNewsRollins: A while ago, I was talking to Dean (Ambrose), and he said he was reading some freaky shit, and it turned out to be a fanfiction (where he and I know). He kept looking for more stories, and he ended up saying something about Of Mice & Men. One thing led to another, and I checked out the story.

BadNewsRollins: I thought it was going to be another freaky story, and I wanted to know how this girl thought such a great song could be reduced to a sex scene. (Don't fuck with my music, man.) It only had one chapter when I started reading, and I ended up downloading the app because I thought it would be funny to find more of those stories to read to Dean.

BadNewsRollins: Not actual stories with plot and stuff (like Charlie's), but the ones that are just sex and nothing else.

rampaiging-charlie: Smut.

BadNewsRollins: What?

rampaiging-charlie: The sex stories are called smut.

BadNewsRollins: Oh, okay.

BadNewsRollins: Well, it wasn't smut, and I ended up liking it. I'm still a bit confused by it, because I know these guys. I know everybody she's writing about, and I'm sure that before all this happened, I would've appeared in the story.

rampaiging-charlie: Wait just a second.

BadNewsRollins: ?

rampaiging-charlie: How long have you been talking to Hannah?

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