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Charlie pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, quickly walking in through the back entrance.

"You're late again?" Valerie asked, incredulously.

"I know, I know," Charlie said, sighing. "Just keep this between us, okay, Val? I've been busy."

"All right..."

She hadn't fallen asleep last night until 1:30, at least. She was too busy typing, proofreading, editing, and posting Space Enough to Grow. She wasn't about to tell Val that, though; she'd think Charlie was crazy. She already thought Charlie was weird enough for watching wrestling.

Charlie walked into the employees room and clocked in, then headed into the dining room, ready to start her day.


"Hey, dude, listen to this," Dean Ambrose said, trying to contain his laughter.

Roman Reigns looked up from tying his boots. "What are you reading, Dean?"

Dean ignored him and began reading from his phone. "Dean stuck his large, throbbing member into Seth's --"

"Dean, what the fuck?!" Seth Rollins interrupted, frowning. "What are you reading? And why are you reading it?"

"There's all kinds of fanfiction about us," He said. "Our ship name is Ambrollins."

"Why are you reading it?" Roman asked.

"It's funny."

"No, it's disturbing," Seth corrected.

"And we don't want to hear it," Roman added.

"Why are they writing about us, anyway?" Seth asked. "The Shield broke up almost a year ago."

Dean shrugged. "I don't know. You'll have to ask one of the people writing it."

"No thanks," Seth said, standing up. He picked up his WWE World Heavyweight Championship. "I'm leaving before you start reading more of that fanfic."


"Yeah." Seth shrugged. "It's short for fanfiction."

"Yeah, I know." Dean smirked.

Seth gave him a long look before walking away.

"Where did you even find that crap?" Roman asked, standing up.

"Some website called Wattpad," Dean replied. "It says this story has mature content."

"Yeah, it does," Roman said. "Do you know what mature means, Dean?"

He frowned. "Shut up."


Seth walked backstage after his match. J&J Security followed him, but soon went their own way. He walked into his locker room, where Dean was still sitting, staring at his phone.

Seth raised an eyebrow. "You're still reading that garbage?"

Dean didn't look up. "I stopped reading the porn-y ones. This one's about Randy Orton and a mystery guy." He paused. "And this girl. Randy and the mystery guy don't have sex, I promise."

"Does Randy know you're reading stories about him?" Seth asked, grabbing some clothes from his bag.

"No, of course not," Dean said. "Don't tell him, okay? It's not like that. This is just a really good story. It's written really well."

"Who's it by?" Seth asked.

"Someone called rampaiging-charlie," Dean answered. "Rampaiging, like Paige."


"And it's named after a song by Of Mice & Men, I think," Dean added.


"Yeah, it's called Space Enough to Grow." Dean locked his phone and stood up. "I have a match, so I need to go. I better not come in here and find you reading porn-y fanfics."

Seth rolled his eyes as Dean left. He changed clothes and sat down. He and Dean were going back to the hotel together, so he had to wait. He pulled out his phone and went to Google. He typed in "space enough to grow wwe fanfic."

The first link that came up took him to a website called Wattpad. His thumb hovered over the link before finally clicking on it.

The story started with an author's note, talking about the Of Mice & Men song and the days it would be updated (Thursdays). Then the story began.


Ruby sat backstage with her co-worker, Sandra.

It was a typical episode of Monday Night Raw. She'd catch bits and pieces of the show in between designing and hemming the Superstars' and Divas' ring gear. Right now, it was the main event, featuring John Cena.

Ruby looked back to her work: Layla's ring gear.

"Oh my God..." Sandra mutters, shocked.

Ruby looked at her, confused. She had stopped sewing and was now looking at the TV. The Latina looked at it, too.

John Cena was sprawled in the middle of the ring, unmoving. A group of about seven men were around the ring, doing different types of damage. They were all different and doing different things, but Ruby recognized them.

Suddenly, the door opened and Seth's head jerked up. Roman walked into the room. When he saw Seth's phone, he sighed.

"Did Dean get you reading fanfiction?" He asked.

Seth frowned, locking the screen. "No."

"Let me see what you were doing then."

He hesitated, then said, "It was named after an Of Mice & Men song. I had to check it out."

Roman rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Don't get mad at me when it gets..."



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