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Here's chapter five!  I'm glad everyone is liking this story, because it's honestly a lot of fun to write. :)

Disclaimer: I own no one but my OC, Charlie.  Everyone else belongs to the WWE or themselves.


"And that is why I don't like working out with you."

"Oh, come on," Seth protested. "It wasn't that bad."

"Dude, I'm fucking huge, and I could barely keep up," Roman said, frowning.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Roman turned around to see Dean approaching them. He had a smirk on his face and was amused. "What could you not keep up with?"

Seth rolled his eyes. "Dean, shut up."

"So, seriously, where were you guys?" Dean asked.

"Seth convinced me to work out with him," Roman replied.

"I told you it was bad!" Dean exclaimed.

"Hey, I get that you don't like Crossfit," Seth said. "But it's not that bad."

"Trust me," Roman said. "It is that bad."

Seth sighed. "Don't come with me next time, then."

"Didn't plan on it," Roman said, and Dean laughed. Seth glared at him, but he kept laughing.

"I'm going to take a shower..." Seth muttered, walking away.

He wasn't actually upset. Dean and Roman had never liked Crossfit, so he wasn't surprised to hear them talk badly about it. He just had to keep up the act or else they'd never stop complaining about it.

Seth made it to his hotel room, and he went inside and took a shower. The next live event was the next day, and it was close to where they currently were, so no traveling was needed. He decided to sit down and mess around on his phone.

When he unlocked his screen, the orange Wattpad app appeared. He had downloaded it after he made his account. Dean and Roman weren't there, as they had probably gone to Dean's room. His thumb hovered over it before finally hitting it.

He was now on Wattpad. He only had one story in his library, since it was the only one he was reading. He clicked on it, deciding now was a good a time as any to finish chapter two.


Ruby smiles. "That's great, El!"

"I wish I could talk longer, but I have to go," Ellie says. "I don't want to be late!"

"Okay," Ruby says. "Have fun! I'll talk to you later, Ellie."

"Bye, Ruby!"

Ruby and Ellie hang up. Ruby stares at her phone's screen before locking it. She stands up and walks over to the hotel room door, preparing to leave. As she grabs the doorknob, she can feel it turning, so she lets go and backs up.

Randy walks into the room. He looked annoyed.

"Where have you been?" He asks, frowning.

"In here," She replies.

"What were you doing?" He asks. "You said you'd only be a minute. I was waiting down in the lobby for you."

"I called Ellie," She says, frowning. "To tell her the good news."

Randy looks at her hands, clutching her phone. "Where's your ring?"

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