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This chapter is kind of long, but that because I wanted to make sure Seth finished the first chapter of Charlie's fanfic. :P

Next chapter probably won't have much of the fanfic, just some other things.

Enjoy! :)


Charlie went to the kitchen and put an order on the spinning wheel that orders go on. She began walking toward the cups when Val approached her.

"Hey, Rick wants to see you," She said. "I've got the drinks."

Charlie took off her apron and went to Rick's office.

Rick was her boss. He had black hair that desperately needed to be cut, and facial hair that wasn't exactly a beard but also wasn't five o'clock shadow. He did look clean, though, which was a plus.

He was always trying to sleep with his employees, though. So far, Charlie had managed to keep him out of her pants.

She found his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" He answered.

She opened the door and walked in. "Hey, Rick."

He preferred to be on a first name basis with everyone, which no one really understood or questioned.

"Hello, Charlotte." She never knew why he called her that. Even her name tag said Charlie. No one called her Charlotte. "I need to talk to you. Have a seat."

She walked over to the chair across from him and sat down. "Is something wrong?"

"It says here you asked off for a Monday next month?" He questioned, looking down at the paper in front of him.

She nodded. "That's right."

"Why?" He asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, the WWE is coming nearby and I was hoping to go," She explained.

"I'm afraid I can't give you the day off," He said.

"Why not?" Charlie asked, frowning.

"First of all, that's Memorial Day weekend. We're going to be packed and I need everyone working that day," He answered. "And secondly, that's not a good enough reason to ask off. No one is in the hospital or dying, so you can come to work."

Charlie nodded. "I understand. I just figured I'd ask, you know?"

"I see where you're coming from," He said. "Maybe next time?"

She just nodded again. "Well, I have to get back to work. Val is covering for me right now."

"I'll see you around, Charlotte."


Seth was still reading that fanfiction. He thought when Roman caught him reading it that he would stop, but he hadn't. Only one chapter had been published, so he would read bits and pieces of it when he could.


They were the rookies from NXT. And it appeared they were making a name for themselves.

After a few more minutes of destruction, the WWE logo appeared and the show ended.

Sandra widened her eyes. "That was crazy."

"Tell me about it," Ruby says.

They finished up their work and made their way out of the arena.

"See you tomorrow, Sandra."

"Bye, Ruby."


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