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Charlie was at work.

It was a Monday night, and she'd had to come in earlier than usual because one of her co-workers was sick. Because it was a bar, and there were TVs all around, she had convinced her boss to let her watch Monday Night Raw on the one closest to her.

It still wasn't the same without Seth Rollins, but she still tuned in every week. She still had the "Divas Revolution" (if she could call it that), The New Day, and Wade Barrett, so she wasn't going to just stop watching because her favorite wrestler was injured.

It had gone to a commercial, and she was refilling a customer's glass. She turned around once she'd finished, and glanced at the TV. She caught the tail end of a car insurance commercial, and there was now a new one, advertising the fact that WWE would be coming to Brooklyn next month, to film Raw.

She left herself a note in her phone, so that she'd remember to check it out when she got home.

A group of people came in just as the show came back from commercial, and Charlie sighed.


"What are you doing a month from now?"

Hannah Lockhart frowned. When Charlie, her best friend, had called her in the middle of the night, she assumed she had something important to say and didn't think twice about picking up the phone. However, she was beginning to regret it as she was unsure what she was talking about.

"I don't know," Hannah replied. "Why? What's happening a month from now?"

"They're going to film Monday Night Raw in Brooklyn," Charlie explained. "I found out at work, and I called you now so I wouldn't forget to tell you."

"I was watching Raw, too," Hannah reminded her.

"It'll be fun," Charlie tried persuading her. "If we're planning on going to Brooklyn later, for SummerSlam, maybe we should go next month, too, to figure out our way around the city."

"I'll have to check my schedule..." Hannah trailed off. "But I should be able to go."

After agreeing to look at the tickets and their prices in the morning, the two friends hung up.


rampaiging-charlie: You're probably sleeping right now, like a normal person, but I just wanted to freak out and tell you that WWE is coming to Brooklyn! (Which is close to me!!)

rampaiging-charlie: I love going to events; they're so much fun and I'm already looking forward to it.

rampaiging-charlie: Okay, I need to go to sleep, and you probably think I'm crazy.


When Seth woke up the next morning, his phone had three Wattpad notifications, all from Charlie. As he read through her messages, an idea began to form in his head, and before he could back out, he typed out a message and hit Send.

BadNewsRollins: That's crazy, because I'm also going to that event! I actually live in Brooklyn, and it would be cool if we ran into each other or something.

rampaiging-charlie: That is crazy! Well, you already know what I look like, so if you see me, don't be afraid to say hi!


In Charlie's mind, she didn't expect to actually see BadNewsRollins.

Sure, they were going to be at the same event, but there were so many people at Raw tapings that she'd be surprised if she actually ran into him.

There was also the fact that he was probably some 15 or 16-year-old boy, nearly ten years younger than her. His parents probably didn't want him running up to some complete stranger he met on the Internet. If it looked like someone recognized her, she'd probably just wave at them, then hurry off to find Hannah.

She didn't know his name, what he looked like, or anything. For all she knew, he could be some creepy old man pretending to be a 16-year-old. Yeah, she had experience dealing with creeps – she worked at a bar for crying out loud – but she didn't want to think that someone who was beginning to become her friend was one of them.

However, if she tried meeting him before the show with Hannah, she wouldn't be caught off-guard at the arena.

rampaiging-charlie: We can talk about it more next month, but what if you met up with my friend and I somewhere? So we can both go "Whoa you're real!!" without people thinking we're weird.

He didn't reply right away, so she pulled up her Word document and began writing.


"How long are you going to be home?" Dean asked, frowning. He wouldn't admit it, but he missed his friend.

"I'm not sure," Seth replied. "Actually, I've been thinking about maybe coming on the road again, and only coming back to Davenport when I absolutely need to."

"That would be great."

"How's Roman doing?" Seth asked, realizing he hadn't talked to his friend – and new WWE World Heavyweight Champion – recently.

"Hell if I know," Dean replied. "I haven't seen him much since he won the title. He's busy doing champion things."

Considering Roman had Seth's belt, he knew exactly what Dean was talking about. It was great to be champion, but it was also a lot of work, both in and out of the ring.

He also knew that Dean was the only one of them not to hold the title, and it really annoyed him – not that his friends were succeeding, but that the higher ups didn't have enough faith in him to make him champion, and subsequently, the face of the company.

"I'm sure you'll see him soon enough," Seth assured him. "What about Renee? How is she?"

"She's great..."

Dean didn't like talking about the title, but he liked talking about Renee. Seth had never heard him so happy and proud of someone before, and it brought a much needed smile to his face as Dean told him about taking her dog to the vet for a checkup.

He felt his phone vibrate as Dean spoke, but he didn't move it.


I realized after naming her that Hannah Lockhart is very close to being Hannah Hart. xD

Also, if any of you read Irresistible, Hannah isn't like Cheyenne; she doesn't play an important part in the story like Cheyenne does.  Hannah is only going to appear in a couple of chapters.

Anyway, be sure to let me know what you think! :)

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