Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Shannon's P.O.V:

I woke up in a good mood...for once.

I'm not what one would generally call a morning person...I tend to get angry if someone wakes me up...especially if it is unnecessary, which is why I surprised myself by sitting up immediately in bed and smiling around my room, for no apparent reason...other than the fact that it was the first morning that I wasn't fighting with Nick.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I hadn't noticed it until it was gone...hence the good mood.

I took a moment to think about everything that had happened yesterday, and everything that had happened since I moved here. To say it was dramatic would be an understatement.

I quickly checked the skin on my chest, it was still a bit pink but I was otherwise intact.

Hopping out of bed I stretched my arms as high as they would go; things were definitely starting to look more positive. I walked over to my window and opened my curtains wide.

Unfortunately, the weather did not mirror my mood; the sky was cloudy and I could see raindrops falling sporadically.

As I turned back around and surveyed my room, I frowned. room? Hadn't I fallen asleep on the couch?

I shrugged; I'd ask Nick about it.

After showering, I dressed in a pair of dark grey jeggings and ankle boots with a fitted white shirt that had a black ribbon that went just under my boobs.

I subtly put on eyeliner and mascara and brushed out my long hair. I was going for a professional look today.

Grabbing my black bag I threw in everything I'd need for the day...including my keys!

I walked into the living room to see Nick lounging on the couch with his arms linked behind his head as he watched TV. I couldn't help but notice that once again he was shirtless, (A definite perk of living with a hot guy!).

When he looked up at me his eyes widened a bit as he looked me up and down.

I just gave him my brightest smile and pretended not to notice.

"Good morning!" I chirped. Wow, I thought, I really am in a good mood this morning.

Nick obviously noticed aswell. "Good morning to you too, someone seems to be in a good mood...?" he commented while his eyebrow rose in query of my mood.

I guess it was a surprise for him too.

"Am I not allowed to be in a good mood?" I feigned hurt.

He just chuckled, "I find I much prefer you in a good mood...some mornings you're downright scary"

"You're no peach yourself" I sneered.

Our hatred of getting up early was something we definitely had in common.

He grinned sexily at me and I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and my whole body felt tingly - Damn what was this boy doing to me!

"How did I end up in my room last night? I thought I fell asleep on the couch?" I said it tentatively, not wanting to presume anything, for all I knew I'd sleepwalked my way to bed.

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