Chapter 49

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Chapter 49



Shannon’s P.O.V:



I stifled a yawn as I let myself into the apartment – work had been really busy and my feet felt like they were about to fall off. The one bright spot in my day had been seeing Toby – I found that I had really missed his relaxed nature and wide smile; he was definitely easy to be around.

I wrapped the old, holey cardigan I’d shrugged on before leaving work tightly around me.

I was visualising spending the rest of the day on the couch with my feet propped up – God, I really needed to get a life – when Nick stepped out of his room. I sent a smile his way as I continued my long-awaited journey to the couch.

I felt an arm slink around my waist. I looked down to see my legs still moving even though I clearly wasn’t going anywhere. I sighed and glared at Nick’s smirking face.

‘My feet are sore, I wanna sit down’ I whined.

Rolling his eyes, he scooped me up into his arms, providing instant relief for my aching feet. ‘Better?’

I nodded happily as I wrapped my arms around his neck, ‘yes. Except now you’re not allowed to put me down’

He chuckled, ‘on one condition’

I raised one eyebrow in silent question.

‘Give me a kiss’ he said, sotto voce.

I swear my heart melted just a little bit as I pretended to think about it before smiling and leaning in to kiss him.

Minutes later, he sat us both down on the couch and I kicked off my much-hated shoes. The scene wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined, but I didn’t care.

‘Don’t suppose you have any food?’ I eyed him speculatively, very aware of my empty stomach.

He nuzzled my neck gently, running his lips lightly over my exposed skin. I fought the shiver of desire that wracked my frame. No Shannon, I thought, food first.

‘Nope’ he told me, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I sighed sadly, patting my stomach as if to console myself – food would have to wait until my feet had healed sufficiently that I could hobble to the kitchen. And yes, I realise I’m being melodramatic.

‘What are you doing later?’ Nick asked slightly hesitantly, resting his head against my shoulder.

I instantly forgot about my hunger and my sore feet as I gently sifted my fingers through his hair, sensing that this conversation would somehow be important.

‘Nothing. What about you?’ I said quietly, my tone matching his.

He was silent and I pressed closer to him. I felt his fingers lightly play with the frayed edges of my cardigan.

‘I was going to go visit my mother’ he spoke practically under his breath.

I only heard him because we were sitting so close. I hugged him to me, feeling the tension radiating off me.

‘Do you- do you want to come with me?’ he raised his head to look at me, and I could see the uncertainty shining in his eyes. He hurried on, not giving me a chance to speak; ‘I know you said you would back in Ireland…but I understand if you don’t want to’ he rushed out.

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