Family Of Blood Pt. 1

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"Make your decision, Mister Smith" Jenny says, looking at the Doctor.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge" Baines says, out of sight, Timothy takes the watch from his pocket, and opens it. Golden energy shimmers and the Family turn their heads quickly.

"Time Lords."

"It's him!" Bains says snarling, Timothy closes the watch. Martha gets the gun off Jenny and uses her as a shield while she aims it at Baines, who still has {Y/N}.

"All right! One more move and I shoot" Martha says.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire" Baines says.

"And you can shut up!" she fires the gun at the ceiling.

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you so that you can live forever."

"Shoot you down."

"Try it. We'll die together" Martha says.

"Would you really pull the trigger, especially with Mrs Smith right here? Looks like you're too scared" Baines says.

"Scared and holding a gun's a good combination. Do you want to risk it?" the family lower their guns. {Y/N} returns to the Doctor.

"Doctor, {Y/N}, get everyone out. There's a door at the side. It's over there. Go on. Do it, Mister and Mrs Smith. I mean you."

"Do what she says. Everybody out, now. Don't argue, Mister Jackson. They're mad. That's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you" Joan says as the Doctor and {Y/N} help others the villagers run out, screaming.

"Move yourself, boy. Back to the school, quickly" the Doctor says.

"And you two. Go on. Just shift" Martha says.

"What about you?" {Y/N} asks.

"Mister Smith, I think you should escort your lady friend to safety, don't you?" Martha says looking over at Joan.

"Mister Hicks, warn the village. Get everyone out. Latimer, get back to the school. Tell the headmaster" the Doctor says.

"Don't touch me. You're as bad as them" Latimer runs off. Jenny gets away from Martha and re-joins her Family.

"Don't try anything. I'm warning you, or Sonny boy gets it" Martha says.

"She's almost brave, this one."

"I should have taken her form. Much more fun. So much spirit" Martha backs away as the Family move forward, {Y/N} watches feeling helpless.

"What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?"

"She is consumed. Her body's mine."

"You mean she's dead."

"Yes. And she went with precious little dignity. All that screaming" a scarecrow grabs Martha from behind.

"Get the gun!" the scarecrow takes the gun and Martha runs out of the hall, as she runs past she notices {Y/N} still standing there.

"Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as a human. Come on!" Martha shouts, gabbing {Y/N}'s hand, the Doctor and Joan run after them.

*Time skip*

The Doctor closes the main doors behind them, grabs the bell and starts ringing it.

"What are you doing?" Martha asks.

"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!"

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