Two Twin Boys Living Next Door And They Both Want In My Pants..? FML. Chap. 13

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You can all thank my dad for this chapter, he let me use his laptop while he's at work so that is why some of the writing may be different then usual.

Also the song------>

Is an old time favorite, and awesome. It's mostly for Damien's part and a little bit of Jerry's and that's all so Don't replay the song. Lol.

Another thing, think about who's P.O.V that you would like to see, that I haven't had yet. :)


Chapter Thirteen.

--- Damien's P.O.V ---

When Jerry slammed that door shut, it was like shattering my heart. The bang echoed threw my house, and I didn't know what to do. My body was still, and Candy was trying to help. By rubbing my shoulder, I just pushed her away. I walked towards the door, and could faintly hear Jerry's sobs on the other side.

I wanted to go comfort her, and not let those tears hit the floor. I walked away, and went over to the wall. I slammed my fist hard onto the wall, letting my anger out completely. I couldn't contain it any longer.

I remember when Candy told me minutes before Jerry came in, The first thing that entered my mind was Jerry. Her beautiful smile, and the way her eyes lit up when she was happy. Her lips and how soft they felt connected to mine.

The second thing was, was she even telling me the truth, or was it even mine. I don't remember having sex with her; I don't remember even kissing her in the last two weeks. The last time, we did it was the night I stood Jerry up. Wouldn't she be kind of showing by now?

The third thing that came into my mind was that I wished I never ever meant that train wreck. That I never thought her body was smoking hot, and her moves erotic. I couldn't stand it anymore, the crying becoming too much for me to bare.

I knocked on the door that led outside and I could automatically hear her sniffling.

"What do you want?" she whispered her throat raw from crying so hard.

"I don't want to stop what we have" I said and she laughed a humorless laugh.

"You should have thought of that, before you had sex with that whore" she yelled, I could hear her fist hitting the other side of the door. I laid my forehead against the door, hating this barrier between us.

"Can I come out there?" I asked.

"No, I don't want you near me" she said, her throat breaking. It was quiet, and I could hear her even breaths, showing me she hadn't left yet. "You cheated on me" she finally said slowly.

"She's not showing yet, which means IF she pregnant, then you guys did it when we were going out! How could you?" she gasped, Her fist connected with the door again as another heart breaking sob reached my ears.

I felt her move away from the door, and I slowly opened it. I tried to bring her towards me, but she moved away from me. Her blue eyes wide, and circled in red. Her cheeks tear stained, and she sniffled.

"I don't love her, Jerry" I whispered, and she shook her head.

"Then why did you have sex with her, behind my back" she asked.

"She could be lying, It might not even be mine. I don't know for sure, all I know is she's not the woman I love" I said, and slowly touched her arm. She didn't pull away, and I pulled her into my chest.

Two twin boys living next door, and they BOTH want in my pants!? FML!Where stories live. Discover now