Two twin boys living next door, and They BOTH want in my pants?! FML! Chap. 6

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Gunna chat up here for a moment..............................................................................................................................Hi(:

That's not what I was going to say though, Hehe.

This is what I have to say, this chapter by popular demand since most people are for TEAM KANE!

This chapter, will be more of Kane, and even a Kane P.O.V. Aren't you excited now!?

Also someone asked me if that wittle boy in the picture was Kane and this is my answer to your question......

Kane is based off my own nephew Trey, who is the little kid in the picture with me...Yes that chick is me. O.o

So, You can Imagine Kane as Him, or you can have your own image, It's up to you. :) Now, Im gunna go, and rant some more

Down there....In the bottom...After your done reading. I might as well, ask you guys to like vote, while im chillin up here.

So...Yeah...Could you like press that vote button..? Thanks(: Now READ MY MINIONS! MWUAHAHA.

Sorry Hyper. Now, Bye. :P


Chapter Six.

I entered the house, feeling all bubbly and excited. I even squealed, and got a weird look from Kane. He was giving me a weird look, as I sat down in the chair. He walked over to me, and climbed on my lap. "Sissy, Can I ask you a question?" he said fingering my hair and I gave him an odd look. "Sure Buddy. What's on your mind little man?" I asked, situating him on my lap better.

"Well, I like this girl..." he started and my eyes widened. Kane liked a girl?!? His first real crush, Oh my god. "Well two girls" he admitted sheepishly and I kissed his face all over and got a squeal. "Sissy no" he laughed and when I stopped he wiped it all off. "How do you make girls like you?" he asked, and I sighed.

"And there's a little age difference" he added quickly and I scratched my head. Im guessing he met these girls while at the zoo are something.

"Well be really nice to them, and give them nice things. Oh and be yourself, because your naturally adorable" I said tickling him, and he shrieked with laughter. He scrambled off my lap, and started running down the hall. I sighed watching him run like that, imagining my mom and I at his age. He would never get to meet her. Feel her soft hands as she brushed her hands threw his hand, her sweet lullaby voice singing him to sleep. He wouldn't hear her contagious beautiful laugh.

My throat clenched, and I took a deep breath. Swiping my eyes quickly, making sure no evidence of me thinking of her were evident on my face. The door opened and Maggie came in giggling, my dad following. My eyebrow raised questioningly when they saw me sitting there. They looked down at there feet, and Maggie spoke first. "Thank you for lunch, and I better give Kane his bath" she said and walked quickly away. "Bye" My dad mumbled and started walking to the kitchen. I was right on his heels, as he entered the kitchen.

"Do you like the nanny?" I asked and he looked surprised.

"I do not like the nanny" he said, and I sighed happy. I wanted my dad to be happy, its been four years since the death of my mom, but the image of him with someone who wasn't my mom...I just couldn't handle yet. "Good" I said and he grabbed onto my shoulder to stop me from leaving. "Lets say IF, this is just an IF okay Jerry?" he said and I nodded.

"IF I did like the Nanny and wanted to ask her on a date what would you think of that?" he asked, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I would say we need a new nanny" I said simply.

Two twin boys living next door, and they BOTH want in my pants!? FML!Where stories live. Discover now