Two twin boys living next door, and They BOTH want in my pants?! FML! Chap. 8

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Im not going to talk long, because you guy's all see the two words down there screaming DAMIENS P.O.V....But....Im going to ask you one more time. Think about this, while you read please. Who's team are you one..? Team Damien, or Team Derrek? Hehe.

Also another questions, who's your favorite Character..? Tell me down there, in a comment. :) Lol ALSO.......VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Only if you like my story though, Lol. Now Bye, Read!


Chapter Eight...

This is what you all have been waiting for.....DAMIENS P.O.V!

I woke up with biggest hang over ever. Candy's body lay next to mine, her bare beast pressed against my side as she slowly woke up. "Baby want go for another round" she purred seductively in my ear. I pushed her away from me, and crawled off her pink bed. She pulled the sheets around herself, pushing her bottom lip out in what was supposed to be a puppy face, but only looked tacky on her.

"I got to go" I mumbled pulling on my boxers.

"But..." she whined as I pulled on my pants next. I couldn't find my shirt, but decided to get it later. I just wanted to get home. Last night edging at my mind. As I reminded myself, I did the best thing.

"Candy im going, bye" I said brushing her off and walking downstairs and outside. The cold morning air hit my bare chest, and I silently cursed myself. I should have found my shirt, I slipped into my black Mercedes. The drive home, was silent as I reminded myself I did the best thing. Right? Jerry...As soon as I thought her name, a pang went threw my chest that I ignored. I had to ditch...her....She deserved better then me. I just hoped my brother did enough damage and she would never go near him again. He didn't deserve her either, with her beauty and intelligence. The way she can make anyone laugh, and send a smile too my face just by looking at her. I pulled up in front of my house, and walked in. I slammed the door shut, my whole family should be up by now. Since it was hitting ten a clock in the morning.

"Damien" Marty, my little sister yelled. She was sitting at the dining table eating some cereal. "Damien how do you like my new wig..? Mommy says all the boys will want me now" she giggled, I walked over and kissed her cheek.

"Im going to fight them all off then" I said, and she laughed.

My mom was standing in the kitchen door, watching her with a sad smile. "Any more good news?" I asked, walking over to the doorway. I watched Marty play with new Barbie dolls I bought her the other day.

"We have to go back, in about three days for more testing's" she whispered, so Marty couldn't hear her. I sighed and my mom rubbed her lips together, I could sense she wanted to cry. "Marty's strong mom, she can beat anything, and anyone" I said and she smiled a sad smile.

"Your right, Damien" she said and kissed my cheek.

"So where were you last night mister" she asked, raising an eyebrow high.

"Not with Jerry, if that's what your thinking" I said, and she sent me a disappointed look.

"I don't see what you see, in that Candy chick" she spat out her name in disgust.

"She's Uhh..." I trailed off, not having anything good to say about Candy except that's she's a good fuck. That's crossing the line with your mom though.

"Im going to go take a shower" I said and she nodded.

"Go wake up Derrek for me. He has work at noon" she called after me,

Two twin boys living next door, and they BOTH want in my pants!? FML!Where stories live. Discover now