#imagine for @Charbirtles_TW

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"close your eyes..." Nathan whispered sexily in your ear. you felt a shiver go up your spine, and he guided you through the pitch dark room. all he had told you was to get in a pretty dress, and meet him at his flat at seven. the second you got there, things were quiet, which was obviously unusual for Nathan . the fact that it was pitch dark, and he told you to close your eyes, without even saying "hello" or "happy birthday" was a bit concerning. he pulled you into the middle of the room, and whispered, "okay, open 'em, princess." you opened your eyes, and the lights clicked on. Max, Siva, Tom and Jay jumped out with confetti cannons, noise makers and balloons. "SURPRISEEEEEEEEEE!" they yelled. you smiled broadly, looking at Nathan for an explanation. he smiled and kissed you. you missed the boys so much, and he must've known that this would be a perfect surprise. the boys ran in for a group hug, while Nathan grabbed your cake. "CAKE TIMEEEE!" Nathan yelled. you looked at him, confused. "Nathan , we just got here!" you giggled, as he helped himself to the cake. "but... i like cake..." you rolled your eyes. his mouth was covered in frosting. "here babe, want some?" he chuckled while kissing you passionately, getting frosting all over your face.     

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