Tom #imagine

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When you wake Tom up in the middle of the night, he immediately gets up and makes you a cup of decaffeinated tea with lots of milk-- because, he says, milk helps you get sleepy-- and sings to you softly The Beatles songs while the water's boiling. When that doesn't work, he gets out his guitar and tries to write you a song. "My princess can't sleep/and that makes me weep/So close your eyes/I won't tell you any lies," he sings, and you laugh because it's corny and terrible but so sweet. "Is that going on the album?" you joke, but he continues and starts to softly strum the guitar and sing a sweet, quiet song to you. Before you know it, you're fast asleep, dreaming, and he puts down his guitar, takes your cup to put it away, and climbs in next to you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you on your hair softly before falling asleep as well.     

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