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Now that's crazy.


" Well... I'm so sorry." Anna said shaking her head. " This is all my fault, I should've never dragged you into this. Because of me, you're losing the love of your life."

" I just don't know." I groaned. " I love her so much. I j- nevermind."

" If you love her, go get her. Don't get caught up with me. I know I'm not who you want. Don't ruin it, fix it now before it's too late."

" Too late is looking real soon. She's already talking to someone else." I sighed. " I'm gonna just- let her go." I shrugged.

I heard Anna take a deep breath followed by the door closing. I'm gonna give up, I'm gonna forget her.

I don't want to forget her.


Anna knew exactly what she had to do. She had to make sure no one saw her or else she'd be questioned about her actions. Anna walked acrossed the street and knocked on Paris's door.

Paris, still being in her pajamas; rubbed her face and yawned. Once she saw who it was, she scrunched up her face. " Anna, why are you here?"

" Look I know we haven't been on the best of terms but can we talk?" She asked.

As soon a Paris opened her mouth, Anna stopped her. " If I say anything you don't agree with, you can stop me and kick me out. It's your house."

Paris sighed and let her in, she took her upstairs to her room where she held all her serious conversations.

" Excuse him." Paris giggled at seeing Demetri half asleep.

" He's good.. And super cute, go girl." Anna smiled almost forgetting why she came over.

" Princeeessssss." Demetri sung making Paris roll her eyes. She knew exactly what he wanted. " Please?" He begged.

Paris leaned down over him and pecked his lips four times making her smile. " Feed me?" She asked. " Don't think you're gonna work me, want me to play your little girlfriend and not feed me."

" You're the one with company."

Paris gasped and sat down. " I'm sorry if that bothered you."

" Oh no, it actually almost made me feel like I shouldn't be having this conversation with you."

Paris looked down and chuckled before brushing her curly hair behind her ear. " It's about him isn't it?"

" Paris; hear me out, okay? He really misses you and the boy is hitting an all time low. It's sad and I know it's not your fault but; just talk to him."

" You don't understand what happened.. The situation with you was one thing but; this is something different."

" I get that- I get it. I can't help but blame this all on me. It's my fault so don't be mad at him. Be mad at me because if I would've respected what you two had nothing would be how it is now."

" Anna don't get me wrong, I love him and I really do but he broke my trust. I can't trust him and I'm pretty sure he told you what he did. Would you honestly go with a person who did something like to you?" She quizzed. " Tell the truth."

Anna stood quiet, she couldn't answer the question. She knew the answer and it hit her in a deep place.

" I'm not ready to talk to him. Everything doesn't revolve around him. I don't deserve to be in a place of mind where I feel like I can't breathe. I want to have fun, I want to be free and I want to not think about him. When I'm ready to talk to him I will but right now..  I just wanna keep my peace of mind."

Summer '97Where stories live. Discover now