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In a perfect universe we wouldn't be this young.. You'd be my wife, carrying my child. We'd be happy in our big house, just me & you.. Us against Them.... The world.


" I can't do it." Ohaji muttered to himself. " I don't even know what to say to her."

Ohaji looked up at the ceiling and sighed long and hard. " She probably hates me." He chuckled. " Fuck it."

After deciding against it, Ohaji just laid there trying to find things to occupy his time. He needed something to do. He'd been off for a couple days being that his boss was out of town taking care of business. It would be hard to find things to do.

" I should apologize." He thought picking up a book they both love to read. "But..What am I apologizing for?"

O'haji felt as if he had no reason to be apologizing for anything but he knew that sometimes apologizing was necessary.... But he didn't want to.

Just as he was debating amongst himself, a knock on the door made him change his mind.

" Yes, Anna?" He asked obviously annoyed by her presence.

" Well aren't you going to let me in?" She chuckled to hopefully lighten the mood.

Being the gentleman he is, he let her in and offered her something to drink. He'd went to kitchen and prepared himself some tea while Anna watched and laughed to herself.

" What's so funny?" He asked sipping from his mug.

" Since when do you drink tea?" She chuckled as he sat across from her. " I've never known you to drink tea."

" First of all; this tea is all natural and really good for you and Second of all; my girlfriend put me up on this."

" I guess." She laughed making him laugh. The laughter between the two quietly calmed down and Anna's smile faded. " I came by because I need to talk to you."

" Alright, what's up then?"

" I just wanted to apologize." She sighed fixing her hair. " I never meant to come between you and your girlfriend like that... I see how much you really care about her and if this is your baby then I'll get rid of it."

Immediately, O'haji began to feel bad.. Really bad. Just hearing her say that she'd get rid of his child for his own happiness just bothered him.

" Anna, th-

" No no, I'm serious." She said cutting him off. " It'll be too much drama for the both of us and this wouldn't be something we're happy about, it'll be forced and that's the last thing I want."

" Everything happens for a reason, Anna. You never know how things change over time."

" But everybody deserves happiness and love.. How could I possibly carry your child for a whole nine months while you pretend to be happy while you run after someone else?" She asked. " That wouldn't be fair to me and my baby."

Ohaji stayed quiet and just simply nodded his head. He had no words because he agreed with everything she said to him. Paris was the love of his life and he couldn't fathom the idea of not having her as his wife. This girl was special and she was different. He didn't want anyone in the way of his new found happiness and he really didn't want a baby from some girl messing that up either.

" That's all I wanted." Anna shrugged snapping him back into reality. " I'll be leaving now."

Ohaji pecked her cheek and let her go. After seeing how Anna would do such a thing for him. It made him think about how to get Paris back.

Summer '97On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara