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Big Mistake
My heart is in a battle
Was I making a big mistake?
I'm just enjoying my life, is that a mistake?

Ohaji.. My goodness,

What do I say? Thank you for being honest. One hundred percent honest with not only me but yourself as well. The way I've been feeling lately is crazy. On some days I miss you and want to talk to you but on others, I can't stand the way you made me feel. I just- You just make me feel a way I don't understand. I want to know how to make it stop, how to help it.


I've gotten so attached to idea of just YOU, I just- I don't know. Do you feel the same? Do you want it to stop too?


" Princess, would you like to explain to daddy why Demetri is sending you flowers?" Barry asked sitting on Paris' bed. " This is like the third time this week."

" Daddy, I'm not dating him." Paris shrugged. " I honestly forgot how much of a sweetheart he was until now. I'm just useto seeing him be... HIM."

" Princess, we've had a discussion about guys like him and you know how to handle it. I'm giving you permission to hurt him if anything happens. I know I like him but you're my baby."

" Thank you, Daddy." Paris smiled as he kissed her head.

" He's here to pick you up by the way." Barry said on his way out.

Paris hopped up, grabbing her things and slowly made her way outside to his Jaguar. He greeted with a hug and a gentle peck on the cheek.

" You ready, Pebbles?" He asked still holding me.

I looked up at him and smiled. " I am." I looked over to see Ms.Jenkins staring at me like she had a problem so I let go of Demetri and stood tall.

" Is there a problem? Can I help you?" I asked my hand on my hip.

" Oh there's nothing you can do for me." She smiled getting under my skin. " Seems like you move on rather quickly."

" Seems like you need to mind your own damn business. You also need to worry about who's the father to your great grandchild before you get into other people's affairs."

With that, I got into Demetri's car and folded my arms across my chest. " What's the matter, Pebbles?"

" Nothing." I huffed flipping my hair over my shoulder.

" Pebbles, if you don't feel good then we can always do something else."

" No no, I'm fine." I smiled taking a deep breath. " I'd love to hang out with you, sweetie."

Demetri kissed my forehead and drove off. He'd been a gentleman the whole way- kissing and holding my hand. I'd loved that.

" Ooooh this place is beautiful." I sung in awe of the elegant aquatic resturant.

" Of course, this is some of my mom's best work." He smiled placing his hand on my back. " Somehow she managed to get some of the most exotic fish in the world for this place."

" Oh yeah, I've forgotten about her being an architect." I smiled standing closer to him. " I miss her."

" Well, I'd figured you wanted to see my parents so I took the liberty of inviting them to have dinner with us."

Summer '97Where stories live. Discover now