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   Silence... The entire place was filled with it. You felt horrible and just wanted to curl up into a ball. You were scared, who wasn't? But you had to be strong, you had to be brave... You take a breath as the plane lands you could already hear the fighting outside. "Go! Go! Go!" The piolet yells at everyone and you all quickly rush out. You were given a pistol and tracer grabs your arm. She was tasked with escorting you to where Genji was last seen. Thankfully you had some inside intel. People were screaming and dying around you, you could hear the panic, the fear. You had to close your eyes for a second to compose yourself letting tracer drag you through the blooded war. 

   "Hurry!" She shouts back to you. You were running as fast as you could! She leads you through the maze of halls people were fighting in here as well. Your eyes largen at the sight of a large buff man attempts to cut your head off with a sword. You were lucky enough to trip and turn quickly pulling the trigger on your pistol. He falls to the ground with your pistol. Your hands were shaking and so were your legs, you killed him... Tracer bites her lip and takes your arm again "we have to go..." You nod shakily but feel your heart drop to the stomach at the sight of something glittering in the blood a wedding ring... 

   Tracer drags you away stopping making you run into your back. She signals for you to be quiet and you see guards outside the door "I'll distract them... You get to Genji..." She quickly darts over "Cheers love! The cavalry's here!" she shouts and the guards quickly start to shoot at her. She run and dodges with ease and the guards chase her. You quickly run to the door and open it sliding into the room and closing the door behind you to avoid suspicion. "Genji...?" He was tied down to a chair and you run over with a smile hugging him tears of happiness were in your eyes "oh thank god.."  Genji was out of it until you hugged him "Y-Y/N? What are you doing here!" he struggles against his restraints and you shake your head gently kissing him "It'll be ok now.." he was bright red at the kiss and just stares at you with his mouth open. 'fifteen seconds till the drop' someone says over the com. You go pale as you realized your one mistake... You only had one bracelet. 

((Picture credit:

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