Taking a Day Off

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   You were very tired. That was nothing new but for some reason, an alarm goes off, one that you didn't set. You sigh annoyed and turn to the clock and try and hit the snooze box that didn't work either. Thankfully you heard a knock on the door. You went over and opened the door seeing Angela standing there she had her hair up in a neat bun and had a cute sweater and skirt on. While you had a mess of hair. You were also wearing the clothes from yesterday. Angela giggles softly "Athena? Would you mind turning off the alarm." You stare at her confused before a voice responds "Yes, of course, doctor." 

   The alarm stops and you sigh in relief "Thank you for all the help." Angela nods and points to a door to the right of the room "That's the bathroom if you'd like to wash up. When you finish you can head down the hall towards my room, take a right, take a left, and then one more left and it's the door right down the hall. I'm assuming that you're rather hungry." You nod quickly "Please excuse me." you went to the bathroom and close the door. You take off your clothes and set them on the counter. You happily step into the shower and look at the shower seeing that there were no handles. "Athena... Would you mind turning on warm water?" it took half of a second for Athena to respond "Of course I wouldn't mind agent Y/N." 

   The water turns on and it's perfectly warm. You sigh in relief and wash your hair with the shampoo that was on the side. It didn't take long to finish up, you take the towel and start to dry off. There were a fresh pair of clothes for you to take and you go over changing into them. You smile and open the door following the path Angela had told you. She said it was a right, right, left right? You frown when you can't see anything and bump into someone "Sorry." You ub your head and look up at who you bumped into, It was genji. 

((Picture Credit: http://www.imgrum.org/user/supreme.mercy/4308991778/1443173198526724879_4308991778)

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