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   It took you hours to calm down, tracer had carried you back to your room where she talked about her fun times in overwatch as an attempt to calm you down. She talked about how amazing everyone here was and how grumpy Genji was, not to mention his clothing in the blackwatch days.

    Once you finally calmed down you sat on your bed and held your hands together nervously "Genji he's... he's gone isn't he?" You couldn't bring yourself to say the words you meant. Tracer seemed to pick up on what you meant "Gone yes... Dead no." You let out a sigh of relief "S-So talon has him right?" Tracer nods and looks down "I'm afraid if we don't fix this soon... He might die..." You go wide-eyed and stand up, that was all the motivation you needed. You quickly leave the room "Sorry Lena I need to get to work!" She seemed very confused but let you leave. 

   You hurry to the lab and sure enough, Winston was there. "Ah... Y/N how are you feeling..." he sets down a jar of peanut butter that he was eating and goes over to you as you slip into your lab coat "To be honest, I'm feeling horrible but there's only one way we can save Genji now... right?" Winston nods "I'm afraid so... Shall we get to work?" you nod and slip on your gloves "Let's get to work." 

((Picture credit:

Genji Shimada X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ