Mission Briefing

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   Everyone was rushing, grabbing weapons getting suited up. You bite your lip nervously holding the gun that was at your waist. You were sacred, of course, you were. Any person that wasn't scared wasn't human. Your hands were shaking and you take a small breath. You had to do this, for Genji, for you, for the world.  You clench your fist and walk to the hanger bay. Everything was going so fast people were rushing things onto the ship but the only thing you could focus your mind on was Genji... Was he ok? What have they been doing to him? What would you say when you talk to him? A gentle hand snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to see Tracer. She had a soft worried smile on her face "Are you alright love...?" 

   You sigh softly and give in explaining everything that was worrying you out in one go "I-I'm worried about Genji, what could they be doing to him? Is he ok? What if it doesn't work? What will happen at the end of this? What will happen to Overwatch?" Tracer went wide-eyed at all of the questions and let out a small laugh "Try taking things one step at a time, though, I'm not really one to talk am I?" She giggles and went to the ship getting in. You had to admit that you did feel a lot better after saying what was on your mind. A soldier hands a box to you and you nod in thanks "thank you..." You were never one for giving a speech but you had to explain what it was you made. You go into the helicopter "alright everyone. I'm going to explain what the plan is. You must all be wondering what it is that will destroy all of Talon.." They keep their eyes trained on you and you take a breath moving the box lid showing plenty of bracelets. 

   "Bracelets..? Now I ain't no scientist but I don't think a fashion statement will end this." someone says in the group but you could only see a cowboy hat. You shake your head and let out a soft amused chuckle "it's not just any bracelet..." you place one on your wrist and push the button a large shield forming around you "This is a shield that will protect you. I've been working on a bomb that will wipe out all of Talon but if you wear this you'll be shielded... Any other shield will be destroyed." They look at you with wide eyes but you hand the box to them "So please make sure you have one." The cowboy let out a whistle of surprise "yes mam' remind me to not get on your bad side."

((picture credit: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kazK2)

(Ah! So sorry I had a really bad writers block but now I know how I want to end the story. I might finish it up tonight actually! Wish me luck guys!)

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