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   It was getting pretty late when you finished playing around in the arcade. You sigh a little quite nervous to head back to the Shimada place. You look up at the sky seeing the clouds were now right above your head, they were dark and stormy. You could hear the roar of thunder in the far distance. You bite your lip nervously walking a bit faster. You didn't feel like getting caught in the rain. People were already shuffling into stores and other cover as a few drops of rain start to fall. You were still rather far from the house. 

   You run it taking about 10 minutes to get back. By that time you were soaking wet and lighting was striking outside. You sigh in relief looking around confused not seeing anyone. Where was everyone? You frown and walk in confused searching around for anyone "Genji...? Hanzo?" You notice a few arrows as well as shurikens stuck into the wood. You slowly walk into the main room looking around before your eyes land on the tapestry blood... You frown worriedly and slowly walk into the room seeing Genji laying there not moving. He was covered in blood and you could only stare in fear covering your mouth.

  You were shaking and take a step back. You turn and run quickly leaving the house, you refused to go anyone near the castle for years. Anyone you told about your story didn't believe you and you went through years of therapy. It took quite a long time before they got you to believe that Genji Shimada wasn't dead, it was your imagination and how you were scared from the storm. What you didn't know is they were right. Genji Shimada wasn't dead.

((Picture credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/303007881162491790/)

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