Meeting Winston

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   You woke up rather early in the morning, you had to wash your hair and get dressed after all. This was the first day that you were going to see the lab and finally meet who everyone was calling Winston. You were curious for sure, enough to have woken up early. You went to the mess hall seeing a few familiar faces, Angela was sat on the far side of the mess hall but you gladly wave to and she kindly smiles back waving to you. Tracer who was dashing table to table talking to people so you decided it'd be better to not interrupt. You stand in line and wait to get some coffee. The line moved decently fast and you take your coffee quickly and leave not wanting to be that one person that messes up the line speed.

   You bite your lip and go into the hall "Athena...?" a voice comes through the hall "Yes agent Y/n?" you rub the back of your neck with a laugh "where is the lab?" Once you grab everything you needed from your room, Athena leads you to the lab where you gently knock on the door. There was no answer so you open the door "Hello...?" it was dark but once you step in the lights turn on. You jump a little surprised but look around the space anyway. The place was littered with empty peanut butter cans and lids as well as some torn up paper. From the ceiling, you see a large tire swinging by a rope. You could hear soft snoring from somewhere and blink confused "Hello?" You call out. The snoring stops and you hear some rustling. Something falls from above you making you jump back in surprise by the loud thud "A-Are you ok?" He had to be badly hurt from that fall.

    Instead, he gets up making you go wide eyed he was a giant monkey "You're a... a giant ape..." He rubs the back of his neck and looks at you "I'm not an ape I'm a scientist!" He says making you go wide eyed "U-uh sorry...?" he picks up his glasses that looked cracked "I assume your miss Y/N?" You nod still in shock about everything. He held his hand out for you to shake and you quickly shake it. He adjusts his glasses and went to the computers in the far corner "So Y/n... I hear you have some amazing blue prints." You nod and pull them from your bag "ready to work?" 

((Picture credit: 

Genji Shimada X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now