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   Your heart was racing. Did he really just ask you to be his girlfriend? His face was bright red and he watched you carefully, waiting for your reply. You couldn't help the smile that spreads across your face "Of course!" he sighs in relief letting out a laugh "I was quite worried there." You laugh and happily hug him. He smiles happily gladly hugging you back and gently pressing a kiss to your head "Say Y/N would you like to go to the arcade?" You smile and laugh "I think you already know the answer." He takes your hand and leads you through the rocks into the town. The arcade was filled with flashing machines that tried to get your attention. Hours were passed as you and Genji went to each machine giving it a try. You spent most of the night laughing and having fun until you got to a hunting game. 

   "If I get the most points you have to give me a kiss." He hums with a smirk "If I win then you have to give me a kiss." You both get in position holding the toy gun out. The hunt starts and you instantly shoot a bird flying above you getting 300 points. Time seemed to be flying by as you both rush through the game trying to get as many points as you could. When you look over at genji's score your heart was racing it was rather high... You look over at your score and sigh in relief seeing that you had managed to win by 300 points. He smiles and looks at you grabbing you by your waist and kissing you lovingly.

   Now this was something you could get used to. Your heart was pounding and you happily kiss back once you snap out of your shock. It was a rather long kiss but his phone rings making Genji pull back and answer. You didn't mind what so ever you gently touch your own lips, they felt so soft now. You blink confused seeing Genji's face pale "we need to go back now." You nod and frown worriedly following after Genji as he leads you back. 

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Genji Shimada X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now