What's Done In The Dark...

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Dear Diary,






Every dirty deed has it's consequence.

Signed, Mariah Love August.

August 1st 2029

At first, I didn't feel happy. I wasn't happy with myself, or Jacob. I resented him, but still loved him. I resented myself for not using protection the first time. I hated the voice, because he just taunted me for weeks. It was official, the day Marcelena took me to the Rite Aid just down the street. I had to steal the pregnancy test, just so nobody would look at me any kind of way. Once I got home, I locked myself in the bathroom and took it.

The anticipation of the results made my stomach twist into knots. I couldn't handle the pressure, but after my time was up, I looked at the stick, which indicated that I, Mariah August, was pregnant. My heart skipped several beats, and I cried myself to sleep that night. The whole time we've been together, not once did he use a condom. How could I be so damn stupid?!

For a long time, I never told him, I just hoped he wouldn't notice. Then, I couldn't fit into certain clothing and he questioned me about it, but I ignored his comments. The hints were there, I'm not surprised if he figures out by now. I really didn't want this baby, but I wasn't about to kill it either. I was told I almost didn't get a chance at life, so why would I take that chance away from someone else? How could I kill someone, when I was nearly killed? No one ever told me who tried to kill me, but I had assumed it was my mother. Anyway, I decided to keep the baby. As bad as this may look, I actually like the idea of Jacob's seed inside me. I had dreams about us being a picture perfect family, and now it can come true, so this really was a blessing in disguise.

I sat on the floor in the basement, looking at all of Jacob's paintings. He was really good, each picture drew me in intently. This painting caught my eye, it reminded me of us. It was two people dancing, but they were so close, so passionate. It made me think of our relationship, months ago when we first started. I loved this particular painting.

I was home alone, again. Marcelena hasn't been here for months now. I kind of miss her, really, but Jacob wants me all to himself. I don't mind being his, but some nights I feel isolated. I haven't seen anybody from school in months, Trevor barely texts me anymore...I feel alone. But maybe things'll change once I have my baby.

I had to use the bathroom badly, and that's where I was. I had been on the toilet for a while, until I finally just stood up. I took care of myself, before turning to look inside, seeing a pool of blood. My heart skipped several beats and I couldn't feel my hands. I wasn't sure if I should flush or not.

I hoped, prayed even, that this was only spotting. I just backed away from the toilet and washed my hands, not even flushing. I ran to the phone in the room across the hall, taking it back into the bathroom with me, and dialed the number to the only person I thought who could help me.

"Hello? Mr. Perez, is that you? I had thought you didn't need me anymore. How's Mariah?"

"M-Ma-Ma-Marc-cel-leena...." I cried, tears stinging the brims of my eyes. I bit my finger, trying to keep my breathing reguler.

"Mariah, sweetie is that you? What's wrong?"

I felt a trail of blood trickle down my leg and watched it hit the floor. I panicked and my breathing quickened.

"Mariah? Are you still there?"

My pants felt wet, and I placed the phone on the sink to check myself. Sure enough, the whole inside of my shorts and my underwear were stained with blood. I shook vigorously and was at a loss for words.

"H-He-Hel...he-help m-me-mee...."

I dropped to the floor, a puddle of more and more blood covered the spot of where I was sitting. It came out in chunks, even, and that's when I knew what was happening. My blessing in disguise drastically changed into a dramatizing, draining nightmare in only a few hours. That's what I hoped this all was, a horrible nightmare, and eventually I would wake up back in Jacob's arms. He would hold me close, stroke my hair and whisper sweet nothings to me in Spanish. I would hope I would at least wake up and be back in my bedroom, where the sun shone through the window and on my cocoa brown hair.

I hoped I was dreaming, but the concerned yells of my lovers rushed voice painted it plain and simple for me. I wasn't dreaming, and what's happening to me and the baby I lost is real. I, Mariah Love August, was pregnant for two months, before I had a miscarriage.

His heavy footsteps jumped up every other step. I sat and counted the seconds it took for him to find me...73. It took him a minute and thirteen seconds to find me sitting on a bloody floor.

"Mariah...what the hell happened? What is this?"

I just looked at him, tears rushing down like a waterfall. I tried to speak, but the lump in my throat prevented me from doing so.

He stepped in the bathroom, careful where he stepped. He crouched before me, holding my chin in his hands.

"Please, tell me what happened."

Should I even utter the dreadful words?

Do I have to relieve the moment of a few hours ago?

Can't he see I'm not well?

"What is this?"

He put his fingers in my blood, and I screamed. I covered my mouth with my hands, sobbing uncontrollably in my palms. His eyes got wide, looking at me like I was a crazy bitch. Maybe I was a crazy bitch, but it was really his fault. He made me this way.

"What are you screaming and crying for?! Are you on your period or something?!"

I shook my head no, thinking how could even ask me something that dumb?

"Then what?" It was obvious he was growing impatient with me. His hands were up in defeat, but I held onto his sculpted shoulders and looked him in his eyes.

I croaked through the tears...

"...I-I-I...I-I l-lo-los-losst...o-ou-our b-ba-ba-baby....!"

He was distraught. Like my self, he was also speechless. For a while, he didn't speak, he didn't even look at me. I only cried harder, causing hiccups. He ran a rapidly-shaking hand through his sweaty curls, gulped and looked at me. The blood kept coming, eventually making it's way towards the tub. I couldn't stop it no matter what I did, my baby was dead and I couldn't save him or her. I destroyed a life without meaning to.

"Y-You we're pre-pregnant?"

Part 1 of the "BIG CHAPTER"!!


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