Playing With Fire

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Dear Diary,

How could he?! How could he just fuck me then tell me it's over?! How dare he not love me?! I gave him my virginity and he takes it like it's nothing!! I hate him so much!!! He's so inconsiderate of my fucking feelings! He doesn't even deserve me!!!

But, I can't help what I feel. I adore him and I want him to be mine. Even if it means ridding our lives of a few people, I'll do whatever it takes.

Signed Mariah Love August.

June 11th 2029

I laid in my bed, with no hours of sleep, thinking about Prince. My Prince. I still couldn't believe that after what he took, what we shared, he acts like it never happened. I hate him and I want him to suffer.

The alarm on my phone went off and I tossed it on a pile of clothes. Another day I have to face, knowing I will be willingly ignored by the love of my life. I just don't understand, what did I do that was so wrong? Isn't that what two people who are in love do, have sex? Maybe he's changed his mind...

After changing into my uniform, I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Marcelena was already in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Buenas días, niña. Want some pancakes?"


She smiled and handed me a plate of blueberry pancakes, while I grabbed a fork and some syrup. I sat at the table and commenced to eat, but stopped once I heard grinding noises. I looked up, noticing Marcelena using the blender. She had tossed all these different ingredients inside of it and made some sort of smoothie.

"Wh-Wh-Wha-What i-iss t-th-tha-that...?"

"Oh, this is Señor's powershake. I make just for him, to help get over his cold."

I just looked at it. It reminded me of the drink I made him the other night, since my friend informed me he would be drunk then. That's when I started to get an idea...

"Here's your powershake, Señor. Your food is on the stove."

I was so in my thoughts, I didn't notice him come downstairs. He had given Marcelen a kiss on her cheek as she passed him his green powershake. He took a sip and looked up at me, but never said anything. I didn't either, and he just turned around to get his breakfast. I rolled my eyes and kept eating, until I was finished and put my plate in the sink. I waited for Marcelena to leave the room to try and say something.

"H-Ho-How d-di-did y-yo-you sl-sl-slee-sleep, la-la-last ni-ni-nigh-night?" My arms folded over my still developing chest, while I gave him a fake concerned look. He just sipped his drink and took a seat at the counter to scroll through his phone. Probably talking to Angela.

"Yo-You kn-kn-kno-know, I-I-I sl-sle-slept g-goo-good la-las-last n-ni-nigh-night. I-I-I ha-ha-had dr-dr-drea-dreams ab-ab-abou-about u-u-us..." I walked slowly over to him and gently placed my hand over his thigh...

He batted me away, dropping his phone on the counter. He grabbed my hand and forced me to look at his pissed expression. I thought it was such a turn on.

"What the fuck are you doing?! What if Marcelena heard you, do you want to get caught?!" He whispered screamed. His sexy accent enticed me.

"I-I-I do-do-don-don't ca-ca-care..."

"Well you should care. This," he pointed between me and him, "will never work. Now just stay away from me." He dropped my arm, gave me a stern look, then returned to his phone. That's when Marcelena was starting to walk back in.

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