A Sick Game Called Confusion

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Dear Diary,

Is it the way he holds me? Is it the way he kisses me? Is it the way he loves me? I don't know, because all three things make me want him even more. In the eyes of outsiders, most would say it's illegal. Others might say it's dangerous and could land us both in a shit load of trouble, but that's what makes it more fun.

Yes, the past few days have been confusing, but I love the way he makes me feel, nothing can ever change that.

Signed, Mariah Love August.

♔July 17th 2029♔

I fluttered my eyes open, with the sun beating through my bedroom window. Birds chirped beyond the glass panels.

I turned over in bed, noticing Jacob wasn't anywhere to be found, but instead...

"Good morning, babygirl."

My eyes retracted but went back to their normal size, as he pushed my hair behind my ear. He sat beside me on the bed, rubbing my back.

"Good morning, daddy." I managed to choke out, the corners of my mouth turning up.

"How'd you sleep?"


He took in a deep breath, before looking out my window. There was something shifty about him, like he felt very uncomfortable. I didn't really want to press the matter.

"I can't wait for the day that you finally wake up."

He kept staring out the window as he said that. I just looked at him like he didn't know what he was talking about. He was giving me crazy insight, confusing me.

What does he even mean? I thought I was awake...

That was the last thing he said, before he kissed my temple and left my room, without a single trace he was even there. I was still glued to the same position, questioning my very exsistence.

I sat confused on my bed, hugging me knees. That dream felt more real than any of my others, even if it was short. It was quite early in the morning, and I was supposed to be in Jacob's bedroom, but after that dream, I escaped to mine. He'll probably question where I am, but he need not worry. There's so much on my mind, and I don't think he can help with that.

I told you about playing this game with me, little girl....

My heart sped up at the familiar taunting voice, that belonged to my friend. I completely forgot about him.

What do you mean?

I mean, trying to pursue something that was beyond your reach. Trying to earn something that never belonged to you in the first place. You're gambling your life away and you don't even realize it...

How am I gambling my life away, what are you talking about?

I just sat crowded into a ball, while he just laughed sinisterly. I was rushed with major confusion, nothing made sense and to top it all off, my stomach felt weird. I didn't know if I had to throw up again, or what. Am I getting sick? The laughter only grew louder, and I clamped my ears with my hands trying to drown him out but it really did nothing.

Did you really think, you could ever make a grown ass man fall in love with you?! And did you think I was going to actually help you? You're dumber than I thought....

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