Broken Promises And Tech Class

963 29 5

April 10th 2029

"D-da-damn i-it..." I hissed, feeling the now cold jets of water hit my body. My sleeping clothes were soaked as also my hair.

I struggled to stand and turn off the water, only to slip and hit my face on the knobs. It didn't hurt, but my nose was bleeding. After tiredly getting out the shower, I noticed I had been in the bathroom all night. It was nearly time for me to actually get up, so I just started to get ready. Once I looked in the mirror, though, I gasped at my appearance. My hair was wet, puffy and just a horrible mess. Blood trickled down my face and onto my wet shirt. There was a purplish grey bruise under my eye.

I could sense today wouldn't be too good of a day.

After fixing myself up best I could, applying makeup where need be, I got dressed and ready. I headed downstairs into the kitchen, seeing no one was up. I heard my stomach growl, and I looked hungrily at the refridgerator. All the gurgling and rumbling was tormenting me, and I couldn't fight it anymore. I was starving.

Did you happen to forget?

Forget what?

I thought you were dieting. Hunger strike. No pain, no gain.

But, all the pain is killing me. I want to be relieved.

And you will. All good things come to those who wait.

But how long do I have to keep waiting, until I'm beautiful?

Just a little while longer, I promise...Now, let the door go.

I sighed, as I released my hand from the fridge door. I could feel my stomach tearing away at its own walls, making me cringe.

"Good morning..."

I turned abruptly around, seeing Mr. Perez walking into the kitchen. His hair was a mess, and he was in only pajama bottoms. No shirt, just abs. His voice came off exhausted and I wondered why he was up so early.


"I heard you come down, so I decided to wake up." He stated, answering my question.

I nodded and took a seat by the counter, pulling on my bag. Pulling out my notebook and writing down my dream from last night, I watched as Mr. Perez made himself some coffee. We were in silence until he turned around, sipping on his coffee. He took one sip, then looked at me. I began to feel uncomfortable, my skin beginning to itch.

"Mariah, what happened to your face?"

I slowly touched it, immediately hissing afterwards. The bruise under my right eye was starting to hurt.


"Mariah, that's not 'nothing'. What happened?"

Now he was holding my face in the palm of his hands. He turned my head slightly, inspecting me.

"I-I-I j-ju-just s-sl-slipped..."


I felt stupid for admitting to this.

"I-in t-t-th-the sh-sh-shower...."

He sighed and grabbed my hand. Pulling me along, we were headed upstairs. We passed the bathroom at the end of the hall, to enter into his master suite. The room itself was huge, with a skylight and even a small nook. His bed was lined with fur covers and silk sheets. His bed was a dark ebony canopy bed, and it made me envious. I've always wanted one. He dragged me into his bathroom, which connected and it was just as elegant. This man has great taste.

Wake. UP. [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now