zach dempsey [6]

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Zach and I have been really distant lately. I had ended things this morning and to be completely honest I regret it. He's the love of my life but we haven't spoke in so long and he's always hanging out with Sheri so I broke up with him. He looked so heartbroken and tried so hard to get me to change my mind but I didn't listen. Justin Foley has been non stop texting me about what happened and why Zach is so down but I have yet to respond.

"Y/n you should answer him" Jessica said. She was getting so annoyed by my phone but I just couldn't bring myself to answer. "Justin's calling me what do I say" Jess says as she picks up her phone. "I don't know whatever you want I guess" I respond. "Hello" she speaks pressing the speaker button. "What the fuck happened between Zach and y/n and why isn't she answering me?" Justin asked. "She broke up with him and she doesn't want to talk about it" "Jess there's a big game tonight and we need Zach to focus and right now he keeps looking at pictures of the two of them" Justin explains.

A tear slowly escapes my eye as I listen to Justin speak. "I don't know what you want me to do about that" Jess responds as she pulls me into a side hug. "Just bring y/n to the game. He needs to talk to her at least" I listen as I cry silently on Jessica's shoulder. "I'll see what I can do" she responds as she hangs up the phone.

"I feel horrible" I sob "you don't have to go if you don't want to" Jess says rubbing my back soothingly. "I really messed up. I love him Jess" I whisper whipping my tears. "Then go get him back" she says standing up from my bed. I follow her actions as I grab my car keys and walk to my car with Jess following behind me.

The car ride to the school was silent. Neither of us spoke about what was about to happen. As I pulled into a vacant parking space I started to get nervous. Jessica noticed and sighed "it'll be ok y/n." I smiled at her and whispered "I hope so."

I walked into the school gym and saw Zach sitting on the bench on his phone. Justin was the first to notice me and jogged over. "Thank god you're here please go over and talk to him he's a mess" Justin told me. I nodded and slowly made my way over to Zach and sat on the bench beside him. He still didn't notice my  presence so I glanced at his phone. He was staring at a picture of us at one of Bryce's parties. I smiled at it. That was the same night Zach first told me he loved me. "I remember that night" I said. Zach quickly looked up at me in shock. "How long have you been sitting there?" He asked placing his phone in his pocket. "Not long" I respond. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Justin's been blowing up my phone. He says you're not focused enough to play" I explained.

Zach looked away and sighed. "I'm sorry y/n. I'm sorry I've been distant and hanging out with Sheri more then you." Zach paused and grabbed my hand, looking up at me. He had tears in his eyes "I need you, please don't leave me" his voice cracked and that's when I lost it. Tears were streaming down my face as I pulled him into my arms "I won't I promise. I love you Zach" I whispered. He pulled away and whipped my tears "I love you more baby. When the game is over how about I take you to Rosie's for some milkshakes" he offered. We always hung out at Rosie's it's our thing. "Only if you win" I smirked "deal" he winked at me. "Dempsey get in the game!" His coach yelled. Zach kissed my cheek and ran onto the court.

"So are you and Zach good now?" Jessica asked as I sat beside her on the bleachers. "Yes we're good" I responded as I watched Zach play his heart out.

The game ended and of course we won. I ran onto the court and straight into Zach's arms. He lifted me off the ground and spun me around. Everyone around us cheered. Zach placed me back on the ground and kissed me. "Looks like I'm taking you to Rosie's" he said pulling away. I smiled "I guess you are."

a/n: Sorry this took so long I've been so busy lately.

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