clay jensen [2]

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Watching Clay break down honestly breaks my heart. He had just finished listening to his tape and called me to meet him at a cliff and of course I came. "It's all my fault" his voice cracked which broke my heart even more. Clay doesn't deserve to go through this. No one does. "No it's not. Don't blame yourself Clay" I replied, placing my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off. "I could've have helped her. I shouldn't of left her there. Why did I leave her? I should've stayed." He sobbed, falling to his knees. I kneeled beside him and hugged him. I held him as he cried into my shoulder.

"I killed Hannah Baker" he spoke once he calmed down. "We all did" I started. "What I did isn't any better Clay I left her too" he looked at me and sighed. "No what I did was far worse" "how was it worse Clay? You walked out. I stopped being friends with her." "I was afraid to love her y/n if I had just told her I love her she would still be here" he explained.

Clay has been my best friend for years. I've always had a crush on him and I was going to tell him but then he met Hannah and told me how much he liked her so I never said anything. Hannah and I were best friends but I became jealous of her and I ended our friendship. Because of that I was on the tapes and I'm one of the reasons why Hannah killed herself. My jealousy cost a girl's life and I will never forgive myself.

"You can't know that Clay. Even if you told her you can't be certain that she still wouldn't of done it" I said. "Why did you stop being friends with her anyway?" He asked. I never really told Clay why I ended it. All I had said was we just didn't click anymore. Which wasn't entirely a lie but still wasn't all true. "I was jealous of her" I spoke. Clay looked at me confused. "Why would you be jealous of her? If anything she was jealous of you" "me? Clay she had everything I wanted" I stood up and walked over to my car. "She was with the person I'm in love with and that person probably will never love me the way he loved her." I explained as tears fell down my face. "You're in love with someone?" He asked, standing beside me. I nodded "yea but it doesn't matter." "Who?" He asked. "Justin?" I shook my head. "Zach?" I shook my head again. "Me?" I looked at him and nodded. "How long?" "About two years" "why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "Get in."

I got in my car and he put his bike in the trunk and got in the passenger seat. I started driving as I told him everything. "I was going to tell you but then you met Hannah and told me how much you liked her so I didn't say anything. Then I became friends with her and I couldn't watch her fall in love with you. I couldn't listen to her tell me how much she liked you so I stopped being friends with her. I was so jealous." By this point tears were streaming down my face. My eyes never left the road but I know Clay is staring at me.

I parked in an empty space in front of Monet's and walked inside. Clay following close behind. We ordered some coffee and sat down at an empty table. "I've liked you too" he spoke after a long moment of silence. "Then you met Hannah" "yea but my feelings for her never changed the way I felt about you" he explained taking a sip of his drink. "I've always loved you y/n I just never thought you felt the same so I was with Hannah" I wanted to grab his face and kiss him right here but I held myself back. "You know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that?" I giggled taking a sip of my coffee.

The rest of the night we sat at Monet's and just talked revealing every little thing we didn't know about each other.

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