clay jensen [4]

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I walked through the halls of liberty high. My head was down as I slowly made my way to my locker. My best friend Hannah Baker has been dead for almost a year now. I miss her like crazy but I'm trying to move on.

I arrived at my locker and grabbed what I needed for first period. "Hey y/n you ok?" My friend Skye asked me. I turned around and faked a smile -something I've mastered since Hannah's death- and responded "I'm fine Skye. Please stop worrying." "It's my job to worry about you y/n you're my friend" "I know but I really just want to forget all about it" I replied pushing my bag higher on my shoulder.


During class I completely zoned out. I don't usually pay any attention anymore. I truly haven't been the same ever since her death and I don't think I ever will be. Probably because I was the one who talked to her five minutes before she did it. I don't think I will ever forgive myself.

"Y/n did you hear me?" Skye asked pulling me out of my thoughts. "What? Sorry" she looked at me with a sad expression before repeating what she had said. "I said, someone's staring at you" I looked away from her and over my shoulder seeing Clay Jensen staring back at me. He gave me a small smile before packing up his things. The bell rang and I walked into the hallway. My head still looking at the ground as I made it to my next class. "Hey" I heard turning my head slightly and saw Clay walking beside me. "Hey" I responded returning my gaze to the ground. "I was wondering if maybe we could talk? If that's alright with you of course" Clay asked smiling down at me. "Sure" I mumbled walking into the classroom.


"Thanks for agreeing to this y/n" Clay said sipping his coffee. We were currently sitting at a table in Monet's. I'm always at Monet's since Skye works here and I love to bother her. "Of course Clay. What did you want to talk about?" I asked taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "Umm well I've been wanting to ask you this for awhile but I'm always too scared and chicken out" Clay explained fiddling with his fingers. "Ask I'm not that scary" I teased which made him chuckle lightly.

To tell you the truth I've always had a crush on Clay. But so did Hannah and I promised myself I would never come between them.

"I umm like you and was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" He asked. His cheeks turned a light pink which was adorable. I smiled softly "I would love to go out with you Clay" I answered feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. He looked up at me and smiled. "So is this like a date?" He asked "if you want it to be" I said taking another sip of my drink.


It's been six months and Clay and I are really happy. I've completely moved on from Hannah's death and show an actual smile instead of a fake one. Skye is really happy for us and I've opened up more to both her and Clay. In all honesty I don't remember a time where I was truly this happy.

a/n: idk what this is but I hope it's ok. I'm just glad I had an idea to finally write something lmao.

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