jeff atkins [3]

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I walked into the dance alone. Jeff was suppose to be my date but I caught him making out with Kate so I dumped him. Hannah made me come to the dance anyway saying "you already bought your dress so you're going to put it on and show up." So that's what I did. I latched myself onto Hannah whenever I saw Jeff and I wouldn't leave Hannah's side the entire night.

I am currently sitting beside Hannah on the bleachers. "Y/n stop pouting" Hannah spoke looking in my direction. "Hannah he cheated on me. We were suppose to come here together." I sighed. "Go dance with Clay I'm perfectly fine sitting here alone" I added noticing that they're staring at each other. She abruptly turned her head away from Clay. "How about we go get drinks" she said, quickly standing in front of me. "What? No sit back down" I ordered, trying to move her out of my view. "Y/n you don't want to look that way" she whispered, plopping back down beside me. I looked anyway. There he was, my suppose to be date sitting right beside Clay Jensen. "Y/n I told you not to look" Hannah said putting her arm around me. Both boys were staring at us. "Hannah just go dance with Clay" I pleaded. "One of us deserves to have fun tonight" I added. She sighed and got up making her way towards Clay.

I watched as the two danced. Enjoying each other's company. I frowned and looked down at my lap. All I want to do is go home and eat ice cream. Everyone is having so much fun and I hate it. I glanced around at all the happy couples dancing to the slow song Tony had put on. I wanted to cry but I promised Hannah I wouldn't so I just stayed sat on the bleachers watching Hannah and Clay dance.

"Y/n" I heard someone say beside me. I didn't bother to look and see who it was I knew it was Jeff sitting next to me. "Go away" I spoke, not taking my eyes off of Hannah and Clay. "Please just let me explain-" "I don't want to speak to you. If you won't leave I will" I cut him off standing up. "Please just give me a minute" he pleaded, grabbing my arm. I rolled my eyes "you have one minute to explain to me why you ruined our almost one year relationship" I sat back beside him. He didn't respond. "Fifty-five seconds" I spoke, getting annoyed. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I did what I did. I love yo-" "bullshit Jeff! You didn't love me when you had your arms around her. When your tongue was in her mouth. You didn't love me" I explained. At this point tears were streaming down my face. "Please don't cry. What I did meant nothing to me. I want you y/n it's always been you" he said, trying to wipe my tears away but I kept pushing him off of me. "Don't touch me!" I yelled, standing up. "Please, y/n I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Jeff got up and stood in front of me so I couldn't leave. I covered my face with my hands. "Please" Jeff's voice cracked. He pulled my arms away from my face making me look at him. He was crying. Seeing him cry broke me even more. He wrapped his arms around me. This time I didn't push him away. I let him hug me as I cried into his chest.

"What'd you do to her?" Hannah screamed, yanking Jeff away from me. I hugged her. "Please take me home" I sobbed. She nodded, glaring at Jeff and guiding me out of the gym.

"What'd he do to you?" She asked me as we got settled in her car. "He told me that it didn't mean anything to him. That he wants me." I cried "I'm not ready Hannah" I sobbed "I'm not ready."

a/n: part two? btw I cried while writing this.

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