justin foley [2]

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I was in a deep conversation with Alex. As I was rapidly texting him back really focused on my phone I bumped into someone. "Oh my I'm so sorry" I spoke, hitting send and putting my phone back in my pocket. "It's cool" the voice spoke. I looked up to see who it was. Justin Foley. Also known as my crush. "Oh hey y/n" he smiled at me. Every time he smiles at me I lose it. "Hey" I replied trying to walk around him but he grabbed my arm.

"I've been meaning to ask you something" he said staring into my eyes. "Could we talk later? I really need to meet Alex in the gym" I asked. His face fell. "Sure, see you around" he then let go of me and walked away. That was weird.

I made my way to the gym and plopped down beside Alex on the bleachers. He was sitting alongside Jessica. The three of us are best friends so whatever he had to say I guess he needed the both of us there. "Everything ok Alex?" I asked "yea but we need to tell you something y/n" he responded. Ok now I'm really confused. "What?" I asked. They both looked at each other then turned towards me. "Justin really likes you" Jessica blurted out. I burst out laughing. That's insane Justin Foley does not, I repeat does not like me.

"You're funny Jess, but seriously what do you have to tell me?" I asked. "That is what we had to tell you" Alex said. "Stay away from him y/n he's bad news." Jessica said crossing her arms. "Why? Because you still like him?" I asked getting frustrated. "No oh my god y/n this isn't about me I'm just trying to look out for you" "we both are" Alex added. "I was actually just talking to him" I spoke standing up from the bleachers. "You both know that I've always liked Justin . I can handle myself" I said existing the gym and heading to fifth period.

I was walking out of the building when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to the side of the hallway. "Can we talk now?" Justin. "Yea sure" I said waiting for him to continue. "I really like you. I have for awhile and I was wondering if I could get your number?" He asked. "Of course" I smiled, grabbing a random pen from my bag. I grabbed his hand "what are you doing?" He asked, clearly confused. "You wanted my number" I said writing it down on his hand. "I'll call you" he chuckled walking out of the school. I smiled and left the building heading home.

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