Santalune Forest

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"Welcome to the team, Sakura!" Serena laughed and held the pokeball up high.

Matsu danced in place. "Froakie!!"


Santalune Forest is known to be a perfect spot for nature walks. Serena breathed in the nature smell. It felt comfortable and safe in this place. Matsu had been tired out from the battle with a young boy named Austin so he was currently resting in his pokeball. Sakura was tucked in Serena's arms. "Wait up, Seri~" Shauna caught up to her while panting. "Wow, you're fast! Let's walk together. I feel like something exciting will happen if I stay with you!" Serena laughed.


"Yup!" The two walked together enjoying the peace and quiet of the forest. Calem walked up to them with a smile.

"Isn't this place great? Santalune City is up ahead, where I'll get my first badge, this forest is a perfect place to train." He told them. "Are you two exploring together? Mind if I join?"

"Su-" Serena was about to answer but Shauna interrupted.

"Nope!" She shook her head. Calem and Serena faltered.

"But Shauna-" They both started but were interrupted again.

Shauna latched onto Serena's arm, Sakura flapped her wings in annoyance. "I want to get to know Seri better."

Calem glared with irritation. "So do I." Serena mentally sighed.

"We're gonna have a girl talk~" Shauna sang. Calem was gonna protest but Serena looked at him with a sweet smile.

"Sorry, Calem, maybe next time." Calem's face grew red from her smile, he nodded sheepishly.

"O-oh, that w-would be nice..." He smiled and walked deeper in the forest. Shauna, who had been observing the change of mood, giggled. Serena gave her a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" She asked as they continued walking.

"I think Calem's got a crush on you~"

"Huh?!" The blonde looked down at the Pidgey in her arms. "What do you think? Does Calem like me like that?" Sakura wiggled her eyebrows up and down making Serena glare at her. Shauna laughed.

"See? Sakura thinks so too~"

Serena groaned. "Guys! Sure, Calem is cute, nice, and smart... but I just met him not too long ago." Her cheeks were starting to turn pink. The brunette waved her hand.

"Whatever you say! I have noticed his blush when we all bump into each other."

"C-can we please not talk about this anymore..." Serena looked away.

"Fine~" Shauna smiled and they both got into the topic of cute Pokemon.

Serena saw the light from the forest's exit and let out a puff of breath. "Finally. Shauna, you've been strangely quiet." She turned to Shauna and saw she wasn't there. "Sakura, did you see her run off?"

Sakura nodded with a chirp. 'She saw a Pikachu and chased after it.'

"So, you're the first to arrive." Serena jumped at the sound of Calem's voice behind her. "Looks like my new neighbor is someone with a lot of potential." He laughed. Serena couldn't help but remember the conversation she had with Shauna. She heard footsteps behind her and noticed that Trevor and Tierno arrived too.

Tierno started dancing. "The way Pokemon move-- it's just incredible! I want to show off some of that spirit when I dance!"

"Tierno... Could you think about something besides how Pokemon move for once?" Trevor sighed. Footsteps could be heard as Shauna ran up to them.

"Shauna! I was worried when I turned around and you weren't there." Serena huffed. "You could have been kidnapped." The brunette scratched her head with a smile.

"So sorry! I saw a Pikachu and wanted to catch it." Sakura chirped.

'Called it.' Shauna continued.

"Looks like we're all here. Let's go to Santalune City~" Shauna brightened and they all went out of the forest.


Serena's Team:

Matsu Lvl 12 (Froakie) Pound, Bubble, Growl, Quick Attack

Sakura Lvl 6 (Pidgey) Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust

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