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Serena sneezed as a snowflake landed on her nose. Recently she had started sneezing a lot. Her Pokemon noticed it and wanted her to relax for a while, but she shook her head and kept walking. Serena exhaled and watched her breath blow out in puffs. "I-I should p-probably get warmer c-clothes, now." Her teeth chattered as she talked. While rubbing her arms with her hands, Serena looked around for a clothing store.

"Why, hello, Serena!" Turning around she saw Professor Sycamore and Dexio, they had on warm clothes, lucky!

"How have you been?" Dexio asked.

Serena smiled at him. "Just great, I was on my way to get warmer clothes!" She laughed a little.

"Be careful not to catch a cold." The professor warned. "Serena, do you remember the Pokemon Lysandre mentioned in the cafe?" She shook her head. "I suppose you wouldn't. It's important to forget things from time to time. Kalos's Legendary Pokemon is called Xerneas!" He grinned. "According to material I've read, those who saw it were so overwhelmed by its power, they were only able to say that this Pokemon resembled the letter X. Apparently, this Pokemon can control energy. It gives life energy to plants and Pokemon, and makes them full of vitality again."

Serena closed her eyes, trying to picture the Pokemon. It seemed like a kind Legendary Pokemon. Dexio looked at the professor curiously, "Wherever do you think a Pokemon that amazing could be now?"

"When Kalos's Legendary Pokemon loses all of its vitality, it goes to sleep in a secret place. I don't have a clue where it could be." Professor Sycamore shrugged. "The writings that mention it are also around a thousand years old, so they aren't much help." Dexio smiled at Serena.

"It would be absolutely astounding if you found it, Serena." The blonde's eyes widened as she thought of what it would be like, she could be famous for that. Befriending a Legendary Pokemon sounded amazing. "Maybe I'll look into the legend a little bit. If I find something, I'll let you know!" The boy told her with a thumbs up.

"Ah ha ha!" The professor chuckled and nodded. "Oh, it would be a thrill if you found it, indeed! But your journey is yours and your Pokemon's alone." He gave the girl a pat on the shoulder. "I want you to enjoy yourself and do whatever you'd like!" The two left after that and Trevor came running over.

"Um... Is the professor gone already?" He asked.

"He just left, why?" Serena asked him. He sighed.

"I was hoping to have him have a look at my Pokedex in person. Oh well, I can still get my Pokedex evaluated at a Pokemon Center's PC..." Trevor looked up at the sky before smiling at her. "Anyway, I'm heading off to go look for a Pokemon in the Frost Cavern and fill up more of my Pokedex!" Serena nodded and continued searching for the clothing store.

Serena mumbled random words under her breath as she headed to Frost Cavern. Apparently this town did not have a clothing store. Should have bought a coat or some boots at Laverre City, she mentally slapped herself. I'm sure it won't be that cold!

Once she stepped out of the town, a blizzard blew her away, not literally. Serena shivered. "Sweet Arceus!" She cursed and trudged through the snow.

"Oh, Kaen, I'm so glad you're with me~" Serena sighed as she hugged the Pyroar. He purred, not at all bothered by the cold of the cavern. He crouched down letting the honey haired girl climb on his back. Kaen looked around the cave as he maneuvered through the slippery ice and different floors.

Serena almost dozed off, Kaen noticed. He gave a roar, not enough to shake the cave and cause icicles to fall down, but enough to wake the girl. Falling asleep in freezing cold temperature would not be a good thing or a good sign. The Trainer rubbed her eyes and slid down off the Pyroar. "Thank you. Now, if I'm right, there should be something beyond here that the Mamoswine was worried about." She told him as they carefully stepped around a wall. The girl squinted as she saw three people wearing red. "Team... Flare?"

Pokémon X - Hello, Kalos Region! ✔Where stories live. Discover now