A Fiery Woman and The Truth is Revealed!

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Serena lay in bed staring at the ceiling. She thought of the events yesterday. Emma was clearly under the control of that robot suit. Serena's eyes trailed to her Zoroark. The Illusion Fox Pokemon almost took up the entire bed but she was warm so Serena didn't complain. The champion remembered the call she received not too long ago. It had been Emma. She wanted to meet up at the Looker Bureau. After thinking things over, Serena finally sat up. Today was supposed to be a relaxing day and Serena's face had burnt spots. The girl walked over to the mirror to check her face. "Thanks to Nurse Joy's ointment, my burns are getting better." Serena mused, pouring some of the ointment on her fingers before gently rubbing her face.

Kitsune lifted her head. 'Are we leaving?' She asked. Serena smiled at her once-trouble making Pokemon.


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"Oh! You actually showed up!" Emma said in surprise as Serena walked inside. Mimi meowed a greeting. Serena felt a little awkward in the 12 year old's presence after the incident but smiled at her anyway. "Hey, Serena, I was hoping to find Mr. Looker. I've been so busy lately that I am hardly ever here anymore. Do you have any idea where he is?" She asked innocently. Serena exchanged a glance with Kitsune, an Aipom right now.

"He's... in the hospital..." Serena rubbed her arm watching Emma's face change to alarm.

"Wha...? Hospital?! What's wrong with him? Now I'm even more worried than before!" Emma shook her head then looked at the floor. "B-But... I'd need more money to get to the hospital..." Serena was about to speak up but Emma noticed the clock and gasped out loud. "Is that the time?! I'm gonna be late!" She said her goodbyes to Mimi and Serena before leaving.

Serena sighed. Kitsune jumped down from the girl's shoulder and walked over to the Espurr. A butler walked in, looking around. He spotted Serena. "Please pardon my intrusion. Would I be correct to assume that this is the Looker Bureau and that you might be Miss Serena?" He asked politely.

"You assumed right." Serena flashed a smile.

"Before we discuss the reason for my visit today, would you allow me to verify your strength, Miss Serena?"

The champion raised a brow. After having battles with random strangers in the alleys who turn out to be Essentia/Emma, Serena was skeptical of trainers now. She thought about it. "Well... sure!" The man smiled.

"As expected, the confidence of a champion is unshakable." He chuckled. "Please allow me to begin the battle stance!"

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The butler nodded. "Yes, as I suspected... Your abilities and strength are without par, Miss Serena." The honey haired girl wiped her brow with the back of her hand. The butler's Braviary blew Galahad back into his Pokeball with a strong ass Whirlwind. The Pokemon that took Galahad's place happened to be Suzaku, who was normally serene and calm but his slumber had been disturbed so he annihilated the Braviary. Suzaku's flames really light up the place though. "Even I, a former admin of Team Flare, had no chance against you."

Serena's eyes widened at that. "Wha?"

The butler gave a bow. "Please forgive me for testing you. I am a mere servant, sent here by order of my mistress." Serena smiled at him, recovering from her earlier confusion.

"No, it is fine. Mistress, you say?" She asked, very interested.

"She told me to measure your skill, and to proceed only if I judged you to be able." He, too, looked at the clock like Emma did a while ago. "Oh goodness! Look at the time! My mistress is not a patient woman! If she is made to wait too long, the consequences will be severe." He panicked. Serena sweatdropped. "Please, Miss Serena! You must hurry to Hotel Richissime's Royal Suite at once!"

Pokémon X - Hello, Kalos Region! ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora