2 - More Friends

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"Damn it, Calem..." Serena growled to herself as she panted, having finally stopped to rest. Wow, she was really out of shape!

Once she caught her breath, she looked around and decided to walk the rest of the way. Her raven-haired neighbor was nowhere to be seen. Serena stepped through the gate to Aquacorde Town and smiled as she took in the small but breathtaking sight. It sort of reminded her of Newbark Town; the feeling of being at home, and safe.

A voice jolted her out of her thoughts. "Hey, Serena! This way! Over here!" Said girl looked over at the table her new friends were seated at, where Shauna was frantically waving her over. Calem and two other boys were covering their faces in embarrassment due to the attention they received from strangers because of Shauna's shouting.

Serena laughed to herself before walking over and pulling up a chair next to Calem. He offered a friendly smile in greeting, his cheeks taking on a pink hue. "We were just talking about you! Allow me to introduce these guys." Calem glanced at the two boys across from him. "This is Serena, of course." The blonde waved briefly at them.

"Wow, Shauna's description was spot on!" The heavyset boy remarked.

"So, this is Tierno. He's got some serious dance moves." Serena raised a brow at that. Calem then gestured to the short boy with big, orange hair. "And that's Trevor. He never misses a single question on his tests, but he's a little shy."

The blonde of the group nodded. "It's very nice to meet you both!"

"Same to you!" Tierno flashed a grin. "Ya know... it would feel like we're a closer crew if we call each other by nicknames. Can I call you S-Meister??" He asked, which made Shauna burst out laughing.

"That is too funny! No way! I think Li'l S is better, for sure!" She calmed down enough to look over at Trevor. "What do you think?" The boy had been staring at the table — he jolted slightly when Shauna called him.

"What?! You guys want me to nickname someone I just met?! We shouldn't put people on the spot like this..." He reprimanded them as the brunette stuck her tongue out. Despite what he said, he had been thinking about it as soon as it was brought up. "Well... how about something low-key? Maybe something like Big S..."

Calem and Serena glanced at each other as the trio argued back and forth. The ravenhead waved his hands, feeling a headache coming on. "Guys! Stop!" They came to a halt and turned their attention on him. "Why not let Serena decide?"

Shauna's expression shifted into guilt. "Yeah, sorry..."

"It's alright! But, I don't really have anything in mind..." She sighed. "Since I heard all of your suggestions, Calem is the only one left to come up with one. I'd love to hear one from you," she directed her last sentence toward said boy, smiling in anticipation.

His eyes widened as he looked away in thought. The fact that she'd LOVE to hear his suggestion made this moment all the more special to him. "Th- Then... how about Seri?"

"I like it," Trevor was the first to speak up. There was a faint smirk of amusement on his face, having caught how uncharacteristically nervous Calem was acting. Shauna exclaimed her agreement along with Tierno while Serena beamed, greatly appreciative of the nickname.

"That's so cute! Thank you, Calem."

"No problem!" He merely glanced at her, avoiding her pretty eyes. This didn't go unnoticed by Serena; though, she found his shyness endearing.

Shauna brought her attention on the other boys. "Hey, can we see the pokémon now?! I just wanna meet my new partner asap~!"

"I know, right? It was such a cool feeling when Trevs and I met ours!" Tierno smiled brightly at the memory. "I hope you three feel the same way we did!" He pulled out a small chest and placed it on the table; inside of it lay three poké balls resting on plush, blue fabric.

"Seri, since you're new to the Kalos region, you should get the first pick," Shauna suggested. The blonde thanked her and looked down the transparent red top of the poké ball to see what she assumed was a Froakie, a Fennekin, and a Chespin. She had heard about the Kalos starters from her fellow passengers back on the airplane.

They were all so cute! She found it incredibly hard to just pick one. But, not wanting to take longer than necessary, Serena opted to make a random grab. Grabbing one of the round devices, she released the pokémon inside and revealed Froakie.

"Ooh! Me too!" Shauna called out her own pokémon, which she had quickly taken a second after Serena's choice. A Fennekin emerged from the red light, taking a moment to stretch her limbs . "You're so CUTE!" The brunette squealed and scooped the fox up for a hug.

Serena noticed Chespin climbing his way up to Calem's shoulder, booping his new master on the nose and earning a huff of amusement. She aww'd and reached over to tickle the grass-type's chin, smiling as he seemed to purr in a way.

Calem allowed his eyes to rest on Serena before quickly looking away just as she regarded him with attention, assuming he wanted to say something. The boy racked his brain for a question, literally anything, to stop the awkwardness that was setting in. "Did- uh, were you going to name your pokémon??"

"Hmm... I probably should." It would definitely help distinguish her pokémon against the rest. She picked up her new partner and hugged him close, smiling at the frog's sparkling eyes. He was excited to have a trainer. "Okay, from now on, your name will be Matsu." She earned a soft cry of approval.

"Pardon me, but I have something for you three from the professor as well," Trevor spoke up, handing each of them a square device. "This is the Pokédex. It's a high-tech device that automatically records the pokémon you encounter! It'll help you understand them on a much deeper level," he explained. "The reason you get one is because the professor wants us to go on a journey and complete the dex. To put it another way, it's an important mission from the mission."

Tierno rolled his eyes. "Oh, lighten up, Trevs! You're way too serious sometimes." The heavyset boy then turned to Serena and handed over a letter. "Seri, take this with you, too. It's a letter to your mom from the professor." Serena stared at the envelope curiously. "Alright. We're done with our errand for the professor. Trevs and I are headed off to catch some pokémon!" The duo grinned in excitement before standing and rushing off in the direction opposite of Vaniville Town.

"I'm sure the professor wants to explain the situation further to your mom." Calem's words drew Serena's attention. "Better give it to her before you leave."

"Ah, okay!" Honestly, the suddenness of it all had her brain struggling to catch up. While she did plan on becoming a pokémon trainer in this new region, Serena hadn't really expected it to happen this soon (she did just move here a couple days ago).

She supposed that fate really wanted her to do this as soon as possible.

The blonde excused herself and began the decently short trek back home. Although, she didn't get to step foot outside Aquacorde because Shauna stopped her. "Hold on a moment, Seri!!"

"Is something wrong?"

"No! But, you're gonna be my first opponent in my battling debut!" She smiled wide at the Fennekin by her side. "Okay, Li'l Fennekin! This is our first battle, so let's win it with style!" The fox yipped and stepped forward to take a battle stance.

"Well, better now than later," Serena remarked. Their pokémon would certainly benefit from this experience. "Go on, Matsu!"

'Let's do this!' He jumped in front of her, staring down at his friend Fennekin.

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