Master Ball

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"Hmm... A Pokeball Factory." Serena mumbled to herself. The factory seemed pretty old. Serena had beaten the Fairy-type Gym Leader, Valerie. The Fairy Badge is so beautiful, it looked like fairy wings. Valerie's Sylveon was so cute, Serena thought about getting one.

"Did Shaunee and Trevs go running off just now?" Tierno asked as he and Calem caught up with Serena.

"Apparently, Shauna wanted to ask if we could go inside since the Team Flare grunt won't let us through." Serena told him.

"Eeeeeek!" They saw Shauna waving her hands around as she sped down to the city. Trevor frantically ran after he while an angry grunt chased them.

The three sweatdropped at that. "What's going on?" Tierno asked, confused. Serena looked after them.

"Go help them, Tierno." She ordered. He nodded and went to the direction of the city.

"Team Flare? There might be something going on inside." Calem said. "Let's check it out while the guard's gone!" He grabbed Serena's hand and ran inside with her.

A female grunt sighed. "That guy is a terrible guard." She growled to herself before glaring at them. "Sorry, but we're not giving tours."

"That red suit means you're a member of Team Flare, right?" Calem asked. "Did you have to take a part-time job at the Pokeball Factory to pay for that ugly suit." He joked then smiled as Serena laughed.

"What?!" The grunt shouted. "How dare you mock Team Flare! Mightyena, get them!" A Mightyena jumped to her side, growling.

Calem lightly pushed Serena in a direction. "Leave this to me. You go ahead." She nodded and walked deeper in the factory.

Serena opened an office door and heard someone talking. "Come now. Work for Team Flare!" A lady said. "If you'd just help out, we wouldn't have to carry all these Pokeballs by ourselves."

"Or, with a contribution of just $5,000,000, you could become a member of Team Flare. It's a no-brainer." Said a purple haired lady.

"What in the world are you Team Flare fools thinking?!" The man yelled. "I'll never forgive any group that tries to take all the Pokeballs for itself!"

Serena carefully closed the door behind her as she stepped inside the office. "Forget it. Quit wasting your time with this person." Another lady said, her hair was green.

"I agree. There's no one we can use here. Let's blow this place to smithereens." The admin chuckled. Serena sneezed and covered her mouth. The admin turned in surprise. "Well, what do we have here? An intruder?"

"You're one to talk!" The man retorted and looked at Serena. "You! Please! Help me!" He begged.

"My oh my. Getting a little desperate, are we, Mr. Company President?" The admin laughed. "Well, I guess I'll just have to extinguish your little glimmer of hope."

Serena glared. "Let's see you try!"

"C-Come on! You didn't have to go all out for a pitiful president like him!" The admin told her. Serena praised Lykos for his win. He brightened at the praise.

"So lame! That's just embarrassing from an admin!" The purplette said. "Still, no worries. We're on it! This pair of scientists will clean up after you." Her green haired friend nodded.

"Let's take her on two versus one." Serena took a step back while Lykos growled. "We must improve our chances of winning."

"I can't let you do that." The blonde felt relieved as Calem joined her side.

"Calem!" He smiled at her.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

"There's another one?" The greenette scientist said, annoyed. Her friend snorted.

"One kid or two, it doesn't make a lot of difference. When we're the ones fighting together, our odds of victory increase exponentially!"

Calem chuckled. "I think your math is off. And I thought you were supposed to be scientists." The two girls fumed angrily. Serena giggled, "Are you ready to fight alongside me, neighbor?" Calem asked the blonde.

Serena gave him a smile. "I'll always be ready to fight by your side." He gave her a grin, a pink tint present on his cheeks.

"Let's get 'em!"

Serena cheered and gave Calem a surprise hug. He laughed and held her tight. Lykos exchanged a glance with Chesnaught. Bryony held her head in frustration.

"Oh my, oh my?" Celosia did the same.

"So lame! What a shame! We got beat!" Their Admin fumed.

"Enough already! We've already stolen the pokeballs, greatballs, and ultraballs. Let's call it good and leave." She said. They quickly left.

Serena gave Calem another smile. "We always make a good team."

"Of course, we ARE the best." They laughed then noticed that Calem's arms were still around her waist and her's around his neck. Both blushed big time and jumped away from each other.

'Awkwaaarrrdddd~' Lykos said. Chestnaught nodded in agreement with a whistle.

"You saved us!" The president cheered, oblivious to the two trainers' moment. "Thank you so much! You're astounding Pokemon Trainers for being so young. Very well, then. I want to show my appreciation. I'll give you a Masterball or a Big Nugget. Pick whichever one you'd like."

Serena looked at the Masterball, she had never seen something like that before. She took it in her hands and observed how it shined with cleanliness. "Oh and as a bonus, you can have the one you didn't pick as well!" She put both things in her bag and bowed to him.

"Thank you, sir." The president gave the same things to Calem.

"Oh. Thank you."

"I just have a feeling you two will put them to great use. You're different from those Team Flare people. Oh, and even I don't know the proper way to use a Big Nugget. Still... That blasted Team Flare. What were they planning to accomplish by taking all the pokeballs for themselves..." He said angrily.

"Hey, do you think it's OK to go look around now?" Shauna asked.

Calem shook his head. "I'm afraid not. It's not the time for that now. They still have to clean up after Team Flare." He informed them. Shauna tilted her head.

"Team Flare? Have I heard that name somewhere?"

"Would they be the people in the red suits from a minute ago?" Trevor asked. Calem nodded.

"Right." He said then mumbled, "Team Flare...." Serena looked at him curiously.

"They took all of the pokeballs by force? But they're for everybody to use!" Tierno angrily said. Trevor looked down.

"How awful... It seems like it would be best not to get involved with those guys."

Tierno agreed with his friend. "You're right, Trevs. Team Flare sure is terrible. What should we do now? According to the Town Map, Dendemille Town is next..." They left after that.

Shauna grinned at the two. "Seri! You and Calem are really awesome! Way stronger than those bad guys!"

Serena looked away. "T-Thank you, Shauna." Calem returned her grin.

"Still, try not to do anything crazy, OK?" The brunette winked. "See yaaa~!" She followed after Trevor and Tierno.

"Thanks." Calem caught Serena's attention and she looked at him. "Everyone's OK, thanks to you. But if I keep relying on you like this, I won't grow during my journey." His voice was low and he looked away. Serena frowned, He looked upset? But why? She shook her head before leaving, not noticing him stealing a few glances at her.


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