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Serena shook off the snow from her hair. The blizzard wasn't helping much. Her nose was red and running. She sneezed every few minutes. It also didn't help that her Holo Caster went off and Calem was the one calling. Serena squeaked and took off her hat to hide her face. Calem looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Serena?" She looked at him with her eyes and the top of her head visible.


"You OK there?" He asked, genuinely concerned as he noticed the raging blizzard behind her.

"Yeah! I'm j-just c-c-cold!" Serena shivered.

"Anistar City is ahead of you, go and get warmed up in the Pokemon Center then meet me in front of the gym for a battle, OK?" He ordered then smiled. "Don't push yourself too hard, try to rest for a while."

She gave a meek nod, still covering her face. The Holo Caster turned off and she attached it to her bag then ran all the way.

"You there!" Serena jumped as she heard Sina's voice. The girl smiled as she ran over to Serena. "I came in place of Dexio to tell you something."

"What is it?" The blonde asked.

"There's a person here in Anistar City who knows about the Legendary Pokemon." She told her before walking away. Sina remembered something and quickly walked back. "Oh, I almost forgot! I brought you some gifts!" She gave her some Repeatballs. "These make it easier to catch the kinds of Pokemon that you've caught before! Even though they're the same species, the strengths and Natures of individual Pokemon can be really different. Bye!" She quickly left.

Nurse Joy had given Serena medicine for her cold and warm tea. She also gave the girl warmer clothes for free. Serena looked at herself in the mirror of the dressing room and smiled. On her head, a pale pink Felt Hat with her normal white sunglasses. Pink Single-Front Coat Dress. Pale pink Wide-Stripe OTK Socks. Pink Riding Boots and a new purple Tassel Purse. Serena stepped out with a bright smile as her Pokemon complimented her new outfit.

Sakura flapped her wings happily. 'You look so cute in pink, Serena!'

'And warmer.' Added Kaen. Serena nodded in agreement.

"I feel better too. So happy that I don't have to be in bed rest." She sighed then looked at the time. "I should be meeting Calem in front of the gym for a battle now." The blonde told them. They all wiggled their eyebrows at her making Serena glare at them. She eventually burst out laughing, other Trainers looked at her like she was screw loose. Serena's laughter died down and she looked away with a whistle.

Hikari smiled sweetly. 'I think it's cute that you found your soul mate, My Lady.' Serena blushed with a smile.

"You've become soft spoken recently." She told her. Hikari shrugged. "All of you have changed since you evolved."

'Have I changed?' Asked Sakura.

"Yup. You don't wear flowers anymore."

'And when you win a battle, you yell 'IN YOUR FACE!' Matsu quietly added. Sakura gave a nervous laugh.

'I see what you mean...'

Serena looked up at the time and pulled out their pokeballs. "Calem's gonna worry about me. Time to return, but Hikari can stay out since she's gonna battle first." They all nodded before being returned back into their respective pokeballs. "I'm ready!" Serena cheered and ran outside with the Heliolisk following.

"Serena!" Calem's bright smile was the first thing she saw. Serena waved as she stopped walking. "How're you feeling?" He asked.

"Great! Nurse Joy gave me medicine and warmer clothes." She couldn't help but blush as the boy observed her clothes.

"Good to know, wouldn't want you getting sick. I might get ahead of you." Calem smirked. The blonde playfully glared.

"Shall we begin the battle?"

"We shall." He laughed. "I can't keep losing to someone who started the journey at the same time as me! Let's battle!"

Calem picked up his Vaporeon. The water-type gave a little cry. "It's alright to lose." He told him. The Pokemon smiled at his Trainer. Serena quickly came over and gently cupped Vaporeon's face, gently massaging his cheeks with her thumbs.

"What a cutie!" She said. Calem gave her a puzzled look. "I love Eevees and their Evolutions. No matter what it looks like." Vaporeon gave a purr, clearly liking the cheek massage. "Where did you two meet?" Her blue eyes met gray ones. Calem blushed at her closeness.

"I-I was fishing by Route 15 and he just popped out of the water asking for a battle." He told her. Hikari's cheeks puffed up.

'Give me attention!' She lightly yelled. Serena smiled down at her and stopped giving Vaporeon affection, he glared at Hikari for that. The blonde gave the electric/normal type a hug.

"Happy?" She asked the Pokemon, who nodded.

"My Pokemon are a lot stronger now, but you and your Pokemon are still just a little bit out of our reach..." Calem mumbled. He sure hates to lose... but he wouldn't hate me for that. I admit I am strong. "Here, I should heal your Pokemon." Serena gave him a nod as he used some potions on Hikari, Sakura, and Matsu. "You're strong. I knew there would be lots of tough Trainers out in the world, but I wouldn't have guessed that my neighbor would turn out to be one to beat!" He gave a light chuckle. "Well, just keep doing what you're doing and defeat that Gym Leader." The raven head walked away with a hand in the air as a goodbye.

Once he disappeared from sight, Serena sneezed and sniffled. "Gross! I'm glad he didn't see that!" Hikari giggled.

Serena felt dizzy as she got out of the gym. After beating Olympia, she teleported Serena to the door leading out of the gym. It felt weird, it happened so fast. "I'm sure getting the Psychic Badge wasn't too much trouble for you. Right, Serena?" She looked at Calem in surprise as he leaned against the gym casually.

"Oh, hello, again." Serena smiled at him. "And it was a quick battle. Matsu and Kaen found it easy too." The boy nodded.

"Ready for a rematch? I think it would be fun to compete with my neighbor to be the best in Kalos." He said. "But I can't claim to be competing with you until I beat you at least once!" Just as they were about to start, the Holo Caster went off. "What's this?" The two exchanged a look before Serena picked it up.

Lysandre hologram popped up. He had on a serious face, "Pokemon Trainers. I come to you by the Holo Caster to make an important announcement." Calem and Serena looked at each other again. "Listen well. Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn't in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state. Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and conflicts will raze the land from end to end. I repeat. We will use the ultimate weapon and wipe the slate clean. I'm sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all." Serena stared at the Holo Caster in horror.

"L-Lysandre... is with Team Flare..."

"What... was he saying?" Calem shook his head. "Wiping the slate clean? Eliminating everyone but Team Flare?!" He frowned then turned to Serena. "Serena! Let's split up and look for Team Flare's base!"

Serena nodded. "OK!"

"Where could Lysandre be, though... We first met him in Lumiose City... Maybe he's there?" He said to himself as he ran away. Serena looked down.

"What's happening? A few minutes ago we were smiling and about to have a battle then all of a sudden Lysandre says something that changes everything..." Serena shook her head. Looks like things are changing completely.


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